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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 24, 2009
I'm creating a simple Mail-like app, just to practice CoreData and Bindings. Here is an overview:

1.The data model
It's quite simple, the picture speaks by itself:
Screen shot 2010-11-15 at 15.09.47.png

2.The interface

Now, what I've already done:
1.Created 2 NSArrayController's
'Mailboxes' and 'Emails'.
Screen shot 2010-11-15 at 15.34.18.png

2.Bind their contexts
Both are bind to AppDelegate managedObjectContext

3.Bind mailboxes table column
to Mailboxes (array controller)

Now the question: How to bind the other table view's columns?

Binding to the Emails array controller does not make much sense to me, since I have to bind to the selection of the mailboxes table somehow. Any tips are really appreciated!

Thanks in advance.
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