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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jan 25, 2010
Hey guys,

I was wondering how do you get access to the marketplace forums on macrumors?

I found a wiki page saying that you need to have at least 250 posts and been a member for more than 180 days. I meet both of these requirements so i was wondering is there something else i need to do?


macrumors Westmere
May 16, 2008
Give it a few hours after you reach the minimum requirements. It doesn't happen instantly.

The following forums have a minimum post count requirement:

Politics, Religion, Social Issues

Only users with a history of 250 posts (user title 6502 or higher) and membership for at least 6 months can access the Marketplace forum. Only users with a history of 100 posts can post in the Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. If you start a "for sale" thread or political thread in another forum to avoid this rule, your thread will be deleted. Once you reach 100 or 250 posts, you may not immediately be able to post in these forums. The privilege is added automatically when the forum system does routine processing, so check again in a few hours. The delay is normal, so please do not contact us to report it as a problem on the same day that you reach 100 or 250 posts. When you first gain access to the Marketplace forum, you will see it in the Community section of the forums.
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