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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 20, 2011

This is a game I wrote because I'm sentimental. When I was very young I used to play it on Bosman computer which run operating system CP/M the same as on Kaypro computers (do you remember Moonlighting? Bruce Willis had Kaypro there :) ).

Computers in those times (30 years ago) didn't had graphical user interface - were able to display only text. But game developers were able to create interesting and addictive games - like the one I'm announcing here.

Ladder is a precursor of Donkey Kong - the idea is to move the Lad ("g" letter) to gold ("&" character). Lad might move left or right, up or down if is acutally on a ladder ("H"). It's also possible to jump over "Der Rocks" ("o"). Game is really not easy, especially from third level. I implemented local high scores (as in original) and Game Center support with leader boards and achievements. Ladder includes seven original Ladder levels - try to complete the game and beat the high score - you'll see how people played on computers 30 years ago or if you're older you'll remind to yourself times when plain letters on screen could mean anything - from danger to reward...

Happy ladding!

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