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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 13, 2011
I was kind of dancing around this in my other post, but it is now (finally) dawning on me that I don't fully understand the process for backing up.

I'll be shooting on a Canon XF100. The codec is MPEG-2 Long GOP as MXF.

After shooting, back at the hotel, my plan is to import the footage I shot that day to a MBP. I believe I'll be able to import and view the footage via the XF utility software that accompanied the camera.

Is in then as simple as exporting the files in their native format to an external drive? Then worry about transcoding to something more FCE/FCP friendly later? Or, would I need to do something else to them at the time of transfer.

I think I'm essentially looking for the MBP to act as a temporary bridge between the camera and offloading to the drive.

Sorry if this is a total noob question and I will be conducting some tests before I leave, just want to make sure I'm on the right path.



macrumors 6502
Sep 11, 2010
Boston, MA
Do you have a CF reader?

If you do:
Put card in
open it up on your desktop
drag and drop all contents to your internal hard drive
drag and drop to your external
This will give you 2 complete copies of your raw

If you don't:
transfer footage with the utility to your internal
Then drag and drop all media onto external
This will also give you 2 copies of your raw

Transcode raw only on the drive you are working with. If you need to relink to your backup later, you will have to transcode that when the time comes. But I would keep my backup as 100% raw original files.

NOTE: Don't ever change file names when you import. Use log notes for labeling. If you rename anything and your normal copy gets screwed, it will be a major PITA to relink with your media with the backup.

NOTE2: You should never work off your internal drive so I would technically replace the word "internal" above to "other external device".


macrumors 68020
Jun 26, 2002
Other options...

We had to consider other options for back-up.
After lugging around a MBP we broke down and got one of these:

We went with the older 2500 since we dont use P2 here.
Mostly CFs for Canons and RED MX.

As far as practical back-up, gameface has it on the nose :)
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