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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 10, 2011
Typing on iPhone or any phone in a language which huge character set like Arabic, Hindi, Hebrew etc. has always been a pain which conclusively has made it more of handicap when it comes to typing in native language.

This app aims to address the above issue for Arabic language through our prediction based technology.

Initially user is provided with a set of 11 most likely characters to choose from. As soon as the user choose the character the list refresh to next set of most likely 11 characters to choose from. If the desired character is not there, user can go to next list of character until he finds the desired character.

Currently keypads available are of static nature. To support languages like arabic, they usually club the keys so tightly that it becomes impossible to get the desired key at one go. Other solution are available in form of transliteration which requires prior knowledge of some other script like english.

This technology has been rendered for various other languages also and is available in various forms to support even basic handsets(mobile).

Video demonstration for above app
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