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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 20, 2010
Hi I have built my own cms and thought it would be a good idea to build an ipad version so i don't have to zoom in as much so i came up with this:

i have used some text rotation in css, it works in ff, safari etc on my mac but on the ipad there is a like a rectangle under the link.

here is the code i used in css:

-webkit-transform: rotate(90deg);
	-moz-transform: rotate(90deg);
	filter: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(rotation=1);

I have also attached my complete stylesheet, it only shows on links in the nav menu on the right, if i remove the rotation its fine, and since im curious why does it only go half way across the width.

this site will only be used on the ipad.



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