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Original poster
Jul 22, 2010

London, United Kingdom – After 14 months of development, SilverWiz now proudly presents MoneyWiz 1.0 for iPad. MoneyWiz is a sophisticated personal finance manager. It’s the one app that has it all, including budgets, accounts, bills and incomes, scheduled and recurring transactions, reports, sync, multi-currency and 100+ more features. Out of all personal finance managers out there, why MoneyWiz? The complete answer to this question is quite long, but in short: because MoneyWiz is better in each and every way:

* It’s the most secure one
* Has unmatched ease of use
* Syncs all your data with Sync Everything! (R)
* Advanced accounting, budgeting and planing
* Interactive reports

Accounts represent actual real-life accounts, like your Credit, Savings or Checking account. It even includes the cash in your wallet. MoneyWiz supports the following types of accounts: Savings, Checking, Credit/Debit Card and Cash account.

Accounts also provide:
* Real-time access to your current balance
* Ability to create, edit, delete and duplicate expenses & incomes
* Support for split payments
* Transfer money between accounts
* Reconcile an account
* Attach images to transactions
* Search, sort and filter transactions

Budgets help you track expenses in specific areas, like food, entertainment, groceries etc. You can manage multiple budgets, from the following types:

* Recurring budgets, with any recurrence period you wish
* One-time budgets, to help you plan events (like this dream trip to Hawaii for example)

Budgets also provide:
* Real-time statistics for spent money
* Real-time statistics for remaining money
* Alerts when a budget is low or exceeded

Scheduled and Recurring:
Plan your future expenses and incomes with scheduled and recurring transactions. Use them for your repeatable incomes (like salary) and expenses (like bills). Some of the features are:

* Create transactions in the future (scheduled)
* Create transactions that repeat at some period (recurring)
* List view as well as calendar view for these transactions
* Push notifications will alert you when a transaction becomes due
* Real-time statistics of the expected incomes and expenses for a pre-defined period of time

Interactive Reports:
Reports will show where, when and how much you spend and get. Why interactive? Just give them a try and you’ll see. MoneyWiz currently has 5 interactive reports with charts: Account balance over time, Budget balance over time, Compare budgets, Expenses breakdown by category, Incomes breakdown by category.

Sync Everything! (R):
Imagine you are using MoneyWiz for a couple of months now. You have tons of transactions, accounts, budgets, changed settings, etc. What do you do if you buy a new iPad? It’s simple- use the Sync Everything! (R) to backup all your data on our secure, dedicated servers.

Ease Of Use:
Managing your money is a difficult and often painful task, which is why we have created an application that is easy to use and helps you do just that – manage your money. With sleek design, intuitive interface and In-App Help to guide you through the app, using MoneyWiz is a breeze.

When it comes to your money, security is the most important thing to be considered. Here’s how we deal with it:
* Password protect MoneyWiz
* Configure to erase everything after 10 consecutive attempts to enter wrong password
* MoneyWiz does not require access to your real bank accounts, therefore it doesn’t interact with them

Multi Currency:
Traveling to another country is always a nightmare when it comes to organizing your finances. With MoneyWiz there is nothing easier than that. You just enter your transactions like any other day and select the appropriate currency. MoneyWiz will automatically suggest the most recent exchange rate and you are done. You can also have accounts and budgets in any world currency.

MoneyWiz also brings the following in-app tools:
* Simple calculator
* Currency converter
* Mortgage calculator

SilverWiz will release MoneyWiz for iPhone this fall and MoneyWiz for Mac OS X early next year.

Device Requirements:
* iPad or iPad 2
* Requires iOS 3.2 or later (iOS 4.x and iOS 5.0 Tested)
* 10.1 MB

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