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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 1, 2012
**MyuZik is top paid ( rank 108) music app in USA.

Check out MyuZik in App Store :

MyuZik will revolutionize the way you listen music songs on iPad. MyuZik lets you discover, explore, access over 3 million artists (from any country) and listen over 10 millions full songs on choice. NO EXTRA FEES REQUIRED. Grab millions of songs, millions of artists pictures, their biographies and more on your iPad in just 0.99USD

Brief Highlights:

★ Discover new bands and artists ( using similar artists approach ). Explore over 3 million artists.
★ Listen to their FULL songs. If you want to listen a particular song again then just tap the song to listen again and again. More than 10 millions full songs available to listen on choice.
★ Tons of new artists and songs added every month.
★ Read their artists biographies.
★ Read their artists news and upcoming events.
★ View, save and email their artists pictures.
★ Automatically detect iPad music library artists on launch of the app.
★ No Subscription required. No hidden fees.
★ No login account required.
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