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macrumors member
Original poster
May 27, 2011
I've tried doing research into this myself, does Tweetbot just offer a slightly different ui? Is it easier to go way back, like days with tweetbot?

What are some of the advantages? Even a link to a site would help me out. Since I just use the main twitter client daily.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 13, 2009
San Jose, CA
I think a lot of the twitter apps are the same underneath with just different skins. Personally I do use tweetbot because of a recommendation. having only ever tried the stock twitter app I can't really do a big comparison, although I do like the way it allows me to have several accounts and easily swap between them

there are quite a few comparison sites though, google one and have a read as some features might be important to you, whereas others might not be


macrumors member
Jun 15, 2010
I use Tweetbot and love it. Best Twitter app IMO.

To answer your questions:

- Yes, Tweetbot has its own UI. It's familiar to anyone who's used a twitter app, but has some really nice UI features (customizable tab bar, smart gestures, conversation & reply views etc)

- Is it easier to go way back? No, you need to scroll


- Lists: Tweetbot handles lists really well. You can switch your timeline to a list very quickly and easily (one of its best features if you use lists)

- Conversation/Reply view: swipe right to view a conversation thread or swipe left to see replies (again a great feature to follow conversations)

- Fast: For me, Tweetbot is very fast to load new tweets (definitely faster than the Twitter app)

- Smart gestures: Within a tweet, tap the icon to see details of the tweeter, double tap to see details of the tweet, triple tap to reply/favourite (this is customizable) etc. Also you can tap and hold stuff to get options (e.g. tap and hold a url to open in Safari, send to Instapaper, etc)

Probably best to watch the video:


macrumors 68040
Jun 28, 2009
Encinitas, CA
The app everyone's talking about is "Tweetbot". There is a newer one called, "TweetBot" (capital 'B') that is a poor app and is capitalizing on the Tweetbot name.



macrumors newbie
Jun 21, 2009
Guys, im using Tweetbot on iPad, is there anyway to see if a tweet has replies without swiping left? I can't see any indicator without swiping on every single tweet.

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