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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 24, 2005

A few quotes:

"Handset numbers overwhelm the iPod's. While optimists think Apple could sell 45 million iPods next year, mobile-phone makers will be selling more than 750 million handsets."

"Convenience and impulsiveness pay: Cellphone subscribers willingly spend two bucks for a six-second pop-song ringtone, while spending only 99 cents for the full-track song at Apple's iTunes Music Store. Ringtones are already a multi-billion dollar business for cellular firms and for recording companies."

"In selling digital content, the telcos have some considerable cost advantages over a company like Apple. With each sale from the iTunes Music Store, Apple must pay a billing cost of 10 to 20 cents to a credit-card company. The phone companies avoid that nick, because they're already sending their customers a monthly bill. So they could offer all manner of micro-priced musical-impulse purchases that iTunes can't match."

"Starting next year, a music player could be a more common feature than a digital camera on the 3G handsets of Nokia, Samsung and Motorola (MOT) — because wireless carriers stand to make more money from music services than from snapshots. Nokia already promises digital music players in half the phones it will introduce this year."

A 2-page article that is well worth reading. (Hopefully my 4 quotes fall
within fair use.)

Let's hope Apple/Motorola can get their act together before the iPod
gets marginalized.

Cheers - Greg
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