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I am thinking of buying an Android Phone but wondering whether it's the wrong time?

I have used a Nexus S since Jan 2011 and the timely updates are awesome. I find it ridiculous that my 20 month old handset is using a later version of Android before the S3 for example.

Ideally I'd like a Nexus, but I was disappointed with the Galaxy Nexus and from the information released expect more of the same from the GN2 when its announced in about 3 months. That is, average hardware with the main selling point being stock android.

Hardware wise, I think the S3 suits my needs as I want a large screen because I will also be reading books on the kindle app a lot of the time. I am concerned about the software and longevity however. The S3 has been out a few months and I usually keep my phones for 2 years. I'm concerned that buying an S3 now will leave me with an older phone in 2 years than if I waited a month or two for newer releases?

TL:DR - I'm a bit lost. Want a >4.7" android handset with good new as possible hardware and as close to stock android as possible, lost on phones, and concerned that now isn't a good time to buy anyway. Help appreciated! :)
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