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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 5, 2002
My wife just gave me an iPod shuffle, 512MB. I love it... well.. it is still in the box so I can't say that quite yet. My wife won the iPod shuffle in a raffle and has so thoughtfully given it to me as a gift. I am extremely happy to have received such a wonderful gift but I got to thinking and thought I would post this question... If the shuffle is still packaged, which it is, does anyone think that it would be returnable? Not for cash but as a credit towards either a 1GB shuffle or even an iPod nano 2GB? I was thinking of trying Target and seeing what their policy was or questiong my school store... any thoughts on this issue? am I being deceitful? greedy?

The shuffle is really cute and it would be neat to have around my neck but if I could use it as a credit towards a 1GB or nano then that would be even cooler.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2005
Denton, TX
zim said:
My wife just gave me an iPod shuffle, 512MB. I love it... well.. it is still in the box so I can't say that quite yet. My wife won the iPod shuffle in a raffle and has so thoughtfully given it to me as a gift. I am extremely happy to have received such a wonderful gift but I got to thinking and thought I would post this question... If the shuffle is still packaged, which it is, does anyone think that it would be returnable? Not for cash but as a credit towards either a 1GB shuffle or even an iPod nano 2GB? I was thinking of trying Target and seeing what their policy was or questiong my school store... any thoughts on this issue? am I being deceitful? greedy?

The shuffle is really cute and it would be neat to have around my neck but if I could use it as a credit towards a 1GB or nano then that would be even cooler.


Most stores will not accept returns on an item as valuable as the iPod Shuffle, without a receipt. It's also deceitful to try.


macrumors 604
Jan 14, 2005
visiting from downstream
zim said:
My wife just gave me an iPod shuffle, 512MB. I love it... well.. it is still in the box so I can't say that quite yet. My wife won the iPod shuffle in a raffle and has so thoughtfully given it to me as a gift. I am extremely happy to have received such a wonderful gift but I got to thinking and thought I would post this question... If the shuffle is still packaged, which it is, does anyone think that it would be returnable? Not for cash but as a credit towards either a 1GB shuffle or even an iPod nano 2GB? I was thinking of trying Target and seeing what their policy was or questiong my school store... any thoughts on this issue? am I being deceitful? greedy?

The shuffle is really cute and it would be neat to have around my neck but if I could use it as a credit towards a 1GB or nano then that would be even cooler.

It doesn't hurt to ask. If it's unopened, call a store that carries both nanos and Shuffles and ask them if they'll take an exchange. They should look at it as an opportunity to (1) make some money and (2) generate some goodwill with a customer.


macrumors 65816
Jul 14, 2005
Yes, I would try to return it. I personally don't think it is too deceitful, especially if the shuffle is truly sealed and you are giving the store more business. Its certainly not as bad as the people who use stuff (camcorders, etc.) knowing that they're going to return it, or people that buy, rip, and return cds from a used store or something.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 9, 2005
At the Airport. UK
i have the 512MB ipod shuffle, i mainly use it for transferring files between PC and mac. you could do that too, use it as a flash drive or something, or just use it for when a full ipod wont do.



macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 5, 2002
Thanks for the feedback.

I am very grateful for having received the iPod shuffle and the trade up was just a mere thought. I think that I will call ahead prior to going in and just explain the situation; received an iPod shuffle as a gift, do not have a receipt due to it being a gift and would like to use it as credit towards a more expensive unit. The package is unopened and in mint condition, I even have an apple packaging slip for it.

Regardless as to what becomes of the idea, I would be very happy keeping the 512MB shuffle :).


macrumors 65816
Jun 29, 2005
New Jersey
That's perfectly fine to do what you are doing. Please post pack after you have been to the store and tell us what happened.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2005
Denton, TX
MacAficionado said:
Should be no problem. Say you got it within the return policy but don't have the receipt. It's easy, only if it is sealed.

This is EXTREMELY deceitful, and should be IMO borderline illegal.

If you do call, and mislead them into believing the gift was bought there, when you have no idea if it was (and especially knowing there is a good chance it wasn't) do not try to trick yourself into thinking you are not doing something dishonorable.


macrumors 601
Feb 10, 2004
I don't think you will be being deceitful at all if you exchange it. If it is brand new in the box, the store will simply restock it and sell it for regular retail price. Plus, they will likely either charge you restocking fee or they will only give you credit on the lowest sale price in 90 days or something like that. So they are going to get the same on a more expensive item plus they will most likely get an extra bit of profit from the return resale (the price they sell the shuffle for and the amount of restocking fee they charge).

Either way they aren't losing any money. Most larger places will be happy to give you credit towards a more costly item if you return a new, sealed product that you received as a gift. Try CompUSA, they are a full Apple reseller...


macrumors member
Jun 22, 2003
Verto said:
This is EXTREMELY deceitful, and should be IMO borderline illegal.

If you do call, and mislead them into believing the gift was bought there, when you have no idea if it was (and especially knowing there is a good chance it wasn't) do not try to trick yourself into thinking you are not doing something dishonorable.

With all due respect, why should this be illegal? Stores have the freedom to set whatever return policies they want--including an "all sales are final" policy. If a particular store has decided that they're willing to accept a return without a receipt, I see no problem with this; if it were so important to the store that the product had been purchased THERE, then the store could simply insist on proof (i.e., a receipt). I have actually visited a number of stores that explicitly state that they will take back an unopened product purchased elsewhere (provided that the store actually carries the item) for store credit or exchange.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 7, 2004
You shouldn't have too much of an issue trading in the Shuffle. I have done this many times with un-opened games at Wal-Mart. Just walk up the the CS desk, say you want to exchange the item, note to them you don't have the receipt, and then go back to electronics. Tell the person back there what you want and tell them to take it to the CS desk for purchase. Most of the time they will ask if there was anything wrong. Just say no and that is wasn't what you wanted.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2005
Denton, TX
StrongGlad said:
With all due respect, why should this be illegal? Stores have the freedom to set whatever return policies they want--including an "all sales are final" policy. If a particular store has decided that they're willing to accept a return without a receipt, I see no problem with this; if it were so important to the store that the product had been purchased THERE, then the store could simply insist on proof (i.e., a receipt). I have actually visited a number of stores that explicitly state that they will take back an unopened product purchased elsewhere (provided that the store actually carries the item) for store credit or exchange.

I'm talking about trying to return an item to a store which you did not buy from, intentionally, in hopes of getting money. If a store says, we'll take anything regardless of where you bought it, then fine. But some people here are advocating what I myself would consider fraud - "Say you got it within the return policy but don't have the receipt. It's easy, only if it is sealed."


macrumors member
Jul 30, 2005
Arlington, TX
zim said:
My wife just gave me an iPod shuffle, 512MB. I love it... well.. it is still in the box so I can't say that quite yet. My wife won the iPod shuffle in a raffle and has so thoughtfully given it to me as a gift. I am extremely happy to have received such a wonderful gift but I got to thinking and thought I would post this question...

Hrmm.. don't know how things are in your family... But my wife would be mad if she 'gave' me a gift of something she had won and I tried to exchange it for something bigger/better.... She'd probably have just kept it for herself then if i was going to be that callous.

Might be different in your family life, but watch for stepping on someones feelings...


macrumors 68020
Apr 12, 2005
Moorestown, NJ
i believe there is nothing wrong with what you are doing in terms of you returning it to Apple, but i would be wary about that because it is from your wife. It sends a not-so-healthy-marital message that you can't take what she gives for what it is? I mean it's a free gift from HER, you might want to think twice about that part. I know i wouldn't do it even if trading up seemed reasonable that way. It may appear like her gift wasn't good enough or whatever. I say don't do it and be happy unless you talk to her (which i really don't advise either).


macrumors member
Apr 29, 2005
eBay it

I was in a similar situation. I recieved an ipod shuffle as a gift the day the nano was announced. I ordered a nano and put my shuffle on the auction block. I got $83 for it to put towards the nano.
I see no ethical dilemma trying to exchange it at a retail outlet. All they can do is say no. Target would probably let you exchange it for a nano if you pay the difference. Its a better sale for them anyway.
Whatever you decide to do, enjoy it!


macrumors 604
Jan 14, 2005
visiting from downstream
OK, let's iron this all out:

1. Since your wife won the Shuffle in a raffle (kinda catchy phrase there), it's not as bad for you to want to exchange it as if she had BOUGHT it for you. I'd consult with her and make sure she's fine with you trying to upgrade it before doing it, just to prevent any marital friction.

2. If she's cool with that, find a store that carries both nanos and Shuffles. Do NOT make out like it came from them... tell them, "I don't know where this was purchased, it MIGHT have come from you, it's unopened, I'd like to exchange it for something more expensive." If they're at all cool, they'll do it. If not, try another store.

The worst thing that can happen is you end up keeping the Shuffle... don't lie about it to anyone, especially your wife.


macrumors 65816
Aug 25, 2004
Pasadena, California, USA
I work at a chain retail store and gets returns all the time.

Here is what our policy is: If you have a reciept, you get cash back. If you don't have a reciept, you get in-store credit.

I don't find what he is doing to be decietful at all. If a guest came up to me at the service counter saying "I got this as a gift, but I don't think its from this store" I would scan it. If it came up, I would give them an in-store Merchandise Credit Check which they could then use to purchase whatever they wanted, equal or higher value.

Its a win-win. Customer gets what they want, store gets to clear out merchandise, plus you know the item that was returned will resell eventually.

I don't think what he is doing is illegal by any means.

Verto said:
This is EXTREMELY deceitful, and should be IMO borderline illegal.

If you do call, and mislead them into believing the gift was bought there, when you have no idea if it was (and especially knowing there is a good chance it wasn't) do not try to trick yourself into thinking you are not doing something dishonorable.


macrumors regular
Sep 8, 2003
Left of the center
Now, this is what you should do:

Go buy a 1Gb shuffle, keep the receipt.
Put the 512Mb shuffle into the 1Gb box.
Return it to the store where you bought it, say it isn't what you bought and demand your cash back.
Keep the 1Gb.
Use the cash to:
- have a nice dinner with your wife in your anniversary/dayofthemonthary, let's say $100
- buy a round of beers for the folks while you tell them the story, showing the shuffle as a trophy, let's say $20
- and you still have some money to purchase some songs from the iTMS, that will make your conscience feel somehow better about the whole scam.

This is of course a sarcasm. ;)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 20, 2005
Denton, TX
im_to_hyper said:
I work at a chain retail store and gets returns all the time.

Here is what our policy is: If you have a reciept, you get cash back. If you don't have a reciept, you get in-store credit.

I don't find what he is doing to be decietful at all. If a guest came up to me at the service counter saying "I got this as a gift, but I don't think its from this store" I would scan it. If it came up, I would give them an in-store Merchandise Credit Check which they could then use to purchase whatever they wanted, equal or higher value.

Its a win-win. Customer gets what they want, store gets to clear out merchandise, plus you know the item that was returned will resell eventually.

I don't think what he is doing is illegal by any means.

This is different from lying and saying you got it from the store. Like I said, if you are up front and tell them, hey I got this as a gift from who knows where, but would you take it any way? then I have no problem. But if you go to the store and lie, you are taking advantage of that store's policy. I deal with this kind of thing so perhaps I am a bit jaded/disgruntled- people pick up merchandise off the shelf and then use it to try and get cash back as part of the return policy, without even buying it in the first place, etc.

So, if you are honest and the store says yes, then cool! Have fun with the Nano.

If you lie and say you got it from the store or whatever, then God will kill a kitten.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 5, 2002
I will be absolutely honest in with the stores. It is nor was never my intention to lie about the shuffle but rather just say it was a gift, which it was.

Reanimation_LP said:
I think the Apple Store will do this for you.

Good idea, did not think of going directly to Apple. The shuffle did come from them, I have a pakcing slip to prove it.

clayj said:
2. If she's cool with that, find a store that carries both nanos and Shuffles. Do NOT make out like it came from them... tell them, "I don't know where this was purchased, it MIGHT have come from you, it's unopened, I'd like to exchange it for something more expensive." If they're at all cool, they'll do it. If not, try another store.

Yes, she is cool with it... she planted the idea into my head. Her exact words were this... I got a gift for you! followed by something about thought about selling in ebay if I did not want it then followed by see if you can trade up somewhere.

clayj said:
The worst thing that can happen is you end up keeping the Shuffle... don't lie about it to anyone, especially your wife.

Exactly, either way I end up with a new shuffle and if a store wants to give me credit then they will end up with some cash :) win win situation in my boat.

I am going to make some phone calls in the morning staring with my school store then Target and then Apple (in order of distance). And IF one of them is okay with it then the big question will be 1GB shuffle of 2GB nano.

Thanks again for everyone's opinions. I promise to be honest with the stores so that I am not deceitful and I will also post back my results.
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