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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 18, 2011
Northern England
OK, So I know this thread will either go down in history as me embarassing myself and missing something obvious, or people simply won't believe me.

Since upgrading to iOS 7, and not before, I've facetimed my girlfriend a couple of times the night before last, and once this morning. She didn't answer (no jokes please :D ).

Anyway, a few minutes later a mate texts me asking why I've just tried to facetime him. I said I hadn't, suggested (as a joke mainly) it was iOS7 and he replied saying it had happened a couple of times the other night too.

It seems almost replicatable. If you use contacts, its fine. If you go into messages, select my gf, scroll to the top of the messages and press Contact > Facetime, it comes up with the video screen with the correct name at the top, but by all accounts - it calls someone else.

My call history shows I facetimed the girlfriend. My mate's call history insists I've facetimed him. Girlfriend confirms she hasn't had any missed facetime calls.

I've checked the contacts, all seems good.

Am I going mad?


macrumors newbie
Jun 25, 2013
This just happened to me on beta two. Scared my daughter when it wasn't her mom on the other end. Quite alarming...


macrumors 68000
Jun 17, 2009
Yeah something is up with FT. I'm on Mavericks and FT my GF's phone but the FT call went to her work phone as "Unknown Caller"


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 18, 2011
Northern England
Wow! So it wasn't just me. I genuinely thought to myself "this cannot be happened - it must be something I've mis-tapped".

I've not noticed it but have made sure I use facetime via the call app, rather than messages.


macrumors newbie
Jul 5, 2013
I'm glad you posted this because the same thing happened when trying to FaceTime my sister tonight except I just got some random guy!


macrumors 6502a
Sep 10, 2007
...If you go into messages, select my gf, scroll to the top of the messages and press Contact > Facetime, it comes up with the video screen with the correct name at the top, but by all accounts - it calls someone else.

Strange, when I try to FaceTime with your girlfriend this way it goes through correctly. Odd


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Oct 18, 2011
Northern England
Funny and potentially scary :p

Any further reports?

I've not had it happen since beta 1, but as I say, I try not to use the messages app to initiate a call now!


macrumors member
Jun 16, 2009
Yes, this happened to me on Beta 1. I had been trying to facetime my sister who was in China at the time, but the facetime just kept ringing. The next day i get a phone call from my old drafting professor's number, he had apparently changed numbers because the woman who was on the other end had no idea who i was. Anyway, she claimed that i had tried to facetime her 3 times last night. I looked in my call history around those times and it was during when i tried to facetime my sister in china. Weird. As a note my sister didn't show any incoming facetime calls.

However, i have facetimed my other family members just fine.


macrumors 68040
Oct 15, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Just experienced this. Was rather unsettling. Tried to call my husband using the Contact button from the messages thread and ended up connected to a friend I haven't talked to in years. So yeah, same exact thing. I'll be reporting it to Apple, too.


macrumors 6502a
May 7, 2010
Wahoo! Looks like apple have finally gotten on the chat roulette band-wagon! Shame it's only to your other contacts though :-( Not as fun as some random stranger

Actually resisting using Facetime now. There are some people in my contacts I'd rather not see!
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
May 7, 2009
Hi all. Confirmed happening in Beta 3 using FT button in messages app. Too scared to FT from iPhone at all now! FWIW it's the same contact each time (the random person) and they are completely unknown to me.


macrumors 68040
Oct 15, 2007
Los Angeles, CA
Got a reply on the bug report that this has been fixed. Please test and PM me if it's still not working for you. Work as expected on both of my dev iPhone 5's.


macrumors newbie
Sep 25, 2013
Yup. Happening consistently on my 4s with official iOS 7. Occurred this time from the recent calls list when I re-dialed a contact. Best part is that for this contact, it calls the SAME random stranger. I'm willing to bet they can't see my cell number. After 4 occurrences, I'm sure this guy woulda called me and said wtf.

But yeah. a FT wrong number dial is the most awkward thing ever.
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