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macrumors 6502
May 4, 2009
This is fun. Yet I still like some of these joke logos more than their actual counterpart.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 2, 2013
What kind of foolish person would make such a childish mockery of one of the most incredible and respected designers of the current age? People need something better to do with their time, seriously. What a farce. I see bitter jealousy from people who don't feel like they could achieve what he has... such trolls.

Jony Ive would probably laugh, kindly - he wouldn't be upset, which is what the fool who made this, wanted.

Meh :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Sep 12, 2012
What kind of foolish person would make such a childish mockery of one of the most incredible and respected designers of the current age? People need something better to do with their time, seriously. What a farce. I see bitter jealousy from people who don't feel like they could achieve what he has... such trolls.
Jony Ive has brilliantly led Apple's hardware design teams. However, he has done nothing (yet) to distinguish himself as a competent UI designer. That's my opinion and it is shared by thousands of others. Hence the site linked by the op.

Steve Ballmer

macrumors 6502
Oct 2, 2009
Redmond, WA
What kind of foolish person would make such a childish mockery of one of the most incredible and respected designers of the current age? People need something better to do with their time, seriously. What a farce. I see bitter jealousy from people who don't feel like they could achieve what he has... such trolls.

Jony Ive would probably laugh, kindly - he wouldn't be upset, which is what the fool who made this, wanted.

Meh :rolleyes:

Let's just ban all forms of parody, then. No one is ever allowed to look at thing with a touch of humor ever again.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 2, 2013
Let's just ban all forms of parody, then. No one is ever allowed to look at thing with a touch of humor ever again.

If this simplistic, adolescent form of mockery and stupidity is considered "humour", then the human race surely is in trouble...


macrumors G3
Feb 26, 2011
New England, USA
What kind of foolish person would make such a childish mockery of one of the most incredible and respected designers of the current age? People need something better to do with their time, seriously. What a farce. I see bitter jealousy from people who don't feel like they could achieve what he has... such trolls.

Jony Ive would probably laugh, kindly - he wouldn't be upset, which is what the fool who made this, wanted.

Meh :rolleyes:

You're right...gods should never be mocked!

I would just light another candle on your shrine to Ive..

:rolleyes: :rolleyes:


What kind of foolish person would make such a childish mockery of one of the most incredible and respected designers of the current age? People need something better to do with their time, seriously. What a farce. I see bitter jealousy from people who don't feel like they could achieve what he has... such trolls.

Jony Ive would probably laugh, kindly - he wouldn't be upset, which is what the fool who made this, wanted.

Meh :rolleyes:

I don't see anything wrong here. He's famed for his hardware design not interface design. Just scroll down to the picture of the charging screen:

Jony Ive redesigns the charging screen.

Irony: this is actually the charging screen in iOS7.

You really have to calm down and accept that they don't get everything right, even under Jobs.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 2, 2013

## EDIT ##

Okay, I take it back - some of them are actually really funny! :D


macrumors G3
Aug 29, 2008
Are some people forgetting that it was Apple's marketing teams which also hand a hand in the design?


macrumors 6502a
May 22, 2008

Jony Ive drops acid. 4 hours later: "Dude, what if all icons were like, super bright neon colors man!!And the background moved around and s*it!"


Don't be facetious - this is just a stupid thread pointing to a pointless link.

Stop being such a buzz kill. Have a beer and lighten up.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 8, 2012
What kind of foolish person would make such a childish mockery of one of the most incredible and respected designers of the current age? People need something better to do with their time, seriously. What a farce. I see bitter jealousy from people who don't feel like they could achieve what he has... such trolls.

Jony Ive would probably laugh, kindly - he wouldn't be upset, which is what the fool who made this, wanted.

Meh :rolleyes:

Probably an android user!! Lots of apple hate those folks have lol..But I agree what a waste of time!


macrumors 6502a
Jan 22, 2008
What the hell is wrong with some of you?

Have you ever heard of not taking things so seriously? You can still like Apple products, and the stuff they make, while at the same time not have your head so stuck up some multi bill corps arse that you can't see left from right. Get a grip.
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