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macrumors regular
Original poster
Mar 10, 2010
I'm currently running OSX 10.6.8 on my 2010 Macbook Pro. Do you think Mavericks will be able to run on my computer and will it run good? Thank you. Just wondering if I should get Mountain Lion now or wait until Mavericks is released.


macrumors 604
Sep 19, 2003
It'll run fine. Mavericks has the same requirements as ML.

Mavericks will be out in a month or so, so wait.


macrumors 6502
Aug 21, 2013
San Francisco
I'm on a Late '08 Alum MacBook and I've been running the beta versions of Mavericks for awhile now.

Your MacBook Pro should have no problem running Mavericks or Mountain Lion.

In the case of upgrading now to Mountain Lion or waiting for Mavericks, I'd wait. Mavericks should be released to the public within the next month or so (Oct-Nov).
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Feb 16, 2013
I have the same computer as OP. Been using Mavericks since DP1, runs just fine.


macrumors newbie
Jan 20, 2011
is it good?

I tried 10.8 on my mac (one HD 7200rpm).
(installed with usb, not from snow leopard)


10.6 processes 45
10.8 processes 102

10.6 ram free using browser chrome 2-3 GB (of 4)
10.8 ram free using browser chrome 1 (of 4)

10.6 CPU activity low
10.8 CPU activity medium

10.6 uptime battery (health 89%) 5-6h
10.8 uptime battery 3-4 h

10.6 rosetta
10.8 nothing

and so on...

Do you really think that 10.9 will be different?
But I'm sure that, if I buy a SSD , 10.8 will run better, but 10.6 much more!
I'm also sure that macbook pro 10,1 with snow leopard will run better than the same mac with 10.8. But 10.9?

What do you think? :)


macrumors 68020
Jun 15, 2012
More processes is not in itself a bad thing. In fact, it's a good thing on a modern multi-core CPU. Using RAM is also not in itself a bad thing.

Mavericks has COMPLETELY DIFFERENT memory and power management from previous versions of OS X.

I didn't see any performance hit using 10.8 on my 2009 MacBook, compared to 10.6. Mavericks runs very well on it, and battery life is considerably longer.


macrumors newbie
Jan 20, 2011

Ok. Yes Mavericks works. Sure better than 10.8 and 10.7 (made only to do money). I do not understand why apple didn't release it after snow leopard.
It is free because they want all snow leopard user make upgrade. I still remain snow leopard. For my mac runs better. I suggest all snow leopard user to do like me.
Only if you have a SSD and 6GB of ram (1067, or less RAM if Hz are grater) make upgrade: OS10.9 is designed for SSD.
So the real requirements are these in my opinion.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
Ok. Yes Mavericks works. Sure better than 10.8 and 10.7 (made only to do money). I do not understand why apple didn't release it after snow leopard.
It is free because they want all snow leopard user make upgrade. I still remain snow leopard. For my mac runs better. I suggest all snow leopard user to do like me.
Only if you have a SSD and 6GB of ram (1067, or less RAM if Hz are grater) make upgrade: OS10.9 is designed for SSD.
So the real requirements are these in my opinion.

Sorry, but that last bit is just plain untrue. I have a 7200 RPM Hitachi in my 2008 MBP with 4GB ram and Mavericks runs just as fast as Snow Leopard on it. My Mac Mini has two 5400 RPM conventional drives with RAID0 and runs just as fast as Mountain Lion as well (>280MB/sec writes).


macrumors G4
Jul 16, 2010
ny somewhere
one thing i love about these people post their singular experiences as a 'global fact'; that their experiences speak for all of us.

some like mavericks, some don't. same as snow leopard, mountain fact, ANY OS. for me, it's a good OS (as good as SL, which was an exceptional experience for me).

anyway, go for it. always great to be up-to-date, and to move forward...


macrumors 65816
Feb 16, 2013
one thing i love about these people post their singular experiences as a 'global fact'; that their experiences speak for all of us.

Yeah that's really annoying.

Mavericks has been working great for me since beta1 but I'm sure there's also plenty of people having tons of problems. I would however guess that the vast majority are not having any large issues. If there were major issues I don't think 15,000 reviews would be giving it an average of 4.5 stars on the app store.


macrumors newbie
Jan 20, 2011
Now It's better

ok...I have to admit that after I've installed Mavericks from App Store directly on snow leopard 10.6.8 (no USB clean mode) things are changed.

It's a fact Mavericks prefer to have all ram used (It's not the correct word, I know) but all works. It's like if Mavericks is water in a sponge, and not a king in his castle like snow leopard. It prefers to use all of itself.

Yes xScan say constantly "buy more ram" ;) but mac still goes on.

Perhaps I spoke too soon. enjoy.


macrumors 603
Jun 18, 2007
ok...I have to admit that after I've installed Mavericks from App Store directly on snow leopard 10.6.8 (no USB clean mode) things are changed.

It's a fact Mavericks prefer to have all ram used (It's not the correct word, I know) but all works. It's like if Mavericks is water in a sponge, and not a king in his castle like snow leopard. It prefers to use all of itself.

Yes xScan say constantly "buy more ram" ;) but mac still goes on.

Perhaps I spoke too soon. enjoy.

I suspected these unofficial "clean" installs were causing some issues since Apple never meant for Mavericks to be installed that way by the end user and so didn't test for it.

I think I read somewhere that OSX uses unused ram to speed certain things up but releases it if a program needs it. That way you don't have 8GB of ram just going to waste waiting for a program to use it. For example, it's using 3.91GB of my 4GB ram on my 2008 Macbook Pro, but I'm not running anything but a browser. I can start up Logic Pro and it runs fine (i.e. the memory it needs is released for it to use). In other words, it's not hogging memory; it's making better use of it.
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