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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 10, 2005
Los Angeles, California
Hey guys and gals,

I've been attempting at building a RAID drive for a client for two weeks with really mixed results. They have FCPX and a 2011 iMac. I purchased them 2 G-Tech 8TB Firewire drives and have them RAID 1 via Disk Utility. Throughout this time, the RAID has failed multiple times, resulting in me replacing one of the drives thinking it was that but alas it wasn't. Purchased another drive, same thing.

Now it's worth noting that I'm bringing around 800GB worth of data over from their Time Machine backup as their main internal drive failed. Equally, it seems like the failed attempt usually happens when the Render files are coming over from the Final Cut Projects folder though I'm not entirely sure on that. Rebuilding the RAID is ever so problematic as the computer quotes me 3-6 days depending on when the drive in question has failed.

I'm to my wits end with this so any help would be supremely appreciated. Could the issue be the Render folder? What else can I look for?


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
What is the point of software RAID? Seriously why are you setting up two external drives as a software RAID.

It is not faster so it can't be because of that

It is not more resistant to failure then simply adding a second Time machine drive so it can't be for data security

FCPX will allow multiple event folders so it can't be because you need more space all on one volume

Some other Reason?

I'm not being anti-RAID. RAID is good but I don't see the case for software RAID. Byt a real hardware RAID where the controller is in the same box as the drives.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 10, 2005
Los Angeles, California
What is the point of software RAID? Seriously why are you setting up two external drives as a software RAID.

It is not faster so it can't be because of that

It is not more resistant to failure then simply adding a second Time machine drive so it can't be for data security

FCPX will allow multiple event folders so it can't be because you need more space all on one volume

Some other Reason?

I'm not being anti-RAID. RAID is good but I don't see the case for software RAID. Byt a real hardware RAID where the controller is in the same box as the drives.

Well the idea is that incase one drive goes down, they can continue to work versus Time Machine where they have to restore files (like I'm attempting to do right now). And at first, I made the mistake of purchasing the G-Tech units thinking I could get a hardware RAID 1 out of them when they only support RAID 0, despite there being two 4TB drives in each unit :(
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