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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 18, 2013
Elecont LLC is pleased to announce the release of eWeather HD 3.0. The app dives much deeper into iOS 7 style, taking advantage of full-screen layout, thin fonts and semi-transparent overlays.

The most noticeable feature of eWeather HD 3.0 is the social media functionality which means you can share the weather at any time, for any place. Whether you want to boast about the temperature, warn your friends about the severe weather or simply provide an update, eWeather HD 3.0 is all you need.

In addition to the revamped design new eWeather HD provides access to live data transmitted from over 700 buoys scattered throughout North America, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Europe, and the Caribbean. Ocean and coastal monitoring buoys which can measure wind speed and direction, atmospheric pressure, relative water humidity, currents, waves and other water parameters.

Get eWeather HD 3.0 on the AppStore:

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