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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 26, 2011
Part owner of a company that manages procurement for some fortune 250 companies. One issue one of the companies is having is when an employee is terminated and has used their own Apple ID on a particular device, the enterprise can no longer use the device? It's tied to that persons Apple ID, right? Would something like AirWatch or MobileIron allow the enterprise to address this as termination takes place?


macrumors regular
Oct 13, 2011
Part owner of a company that manages procurement for some fortune 250 companies. One issue one of the companies is having is when an employee is terminated and has used their own Apple ID on a particular device, the enterprise can no longer use the device? It's tied to that persons Apple ID, right? Would something like AirWatch or MobileIron allow the enterprise to address this as termination takes place?

If you've got a mac, you can use the apple configurator software from the mac app store.


macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 26, 2011
But they must have been deployed using Apple Configurator before being to turn that off, right?


Mar 27, 2009
But they must have been deployed using Apple Configurator before being to turn that off, right?

Anyone who has physical access to the device can install a configuration profile.

I suggest that each employee be asked to temporarily surrender "their" devices so you can instal the profile. Also, let them know they are forbidden from removing, tampering with, or bypassing the profile.


macrumors 68020
Jun 23, 2003
Johns Creek Ga.
Part owner of a company that manages procurement for some fortune 250 companies. One issue one of the companies is having is when an employee is terminated and has used their own Apple ID on a particular device, the enterprise can no longer use the device? It's tied to that persons Apple ID, right? Would something like AirWatch or MobileIron allow the enterprise to address this as termination takes place?

This is one of the many reasons that I as an IT professional am totally against BYOD. Now from your comment I would believe that your issue is not of a BYOD nature, as from your post, I read that the device belongs to the company. If that's the case, the answer is simple. It is a terminable offence to install your personal ID's, apps or email accounts to the companies iPhone. If employees want to use these- go get your own iPhone.
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