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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Apr 23, 2004
I am thinking about buying these 3 templates.

This OpenCart template

and these two Joomla templates.

What I'm looking to do is simple swap the slider from the OpenCart template to one of the Joomla templates. I haven't decided which Joomla template yet.

Fortunately all the templates are using the same site width so the slider from the OC template will perfectly line up with either Joomla template. As you can see it's just a matter of swapping out a few lines of CSS/PHP/HTML. I am more in production rather than design/coding therefore can't spend a lot of time working on this. Id rather source it out.

The mockups of how I want it to look are attached.

I could pay you (provided you are a regular member of some place like Themeforest or ElegantThemes etc).

I'm in Japan and can easily get you work. Ive been asked to do web design work via my Photoshop projects but don't code so I need to find people to code sites for me. I'd be producing the projects. All the hosting is in Japan since it's better for SEO etc. I do all the translation work and everything else except the heavy lifting.

What is your rate and turnaround?

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