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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 10, 2013
South San Francisco, CA
Hey all.

Hate to make another thread about cases but I need some help. I've had an iPad 4 for about 9 months now and I have already been through about 4 back shells for it. I do not abuse it and I rarely even take it anywhere but they just don't last.

I believe I have had 2 Cover Buddys from Switch Easy and 3 (!) Devicewear Unions. The latter were supposedly more durable at the corners due to how they snap onto the iPad, but they kept cracking for me like all the other ones.

My original requirement for a smart cover compatible backing for my iPad was that it be see through because I have an engaging that is special to me. But at this point I am willing to forego that if I can just get a back that lasts.

I've never exploded hard rubber-type backs and was wondering what are some good ones? Maybe hard plastic isn't for me and something a bit pliable (and hopefully uncrackable) might be worth a try.

What's some good ones?
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