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macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Wow, the D80s photo has so much less noise than the Alpha's photo at ISO 1600.

The Alpha also seems underexposed in comparison to the D80's photo at ISO 200 and 1600 (only sets I looked at).

Also, the D80's outdoor photo seems to produce a sharper image, but that's due to the lens used and nothing to do with the camera.

Is the A100 really that much noisier at ISO 1600? Wow, bigger difference than I would have imagined.


macrumors regular
May 23, 2006
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Wow, the Sony at 1600 seems pretty much unusable... while the D80 produced a rather nice picture.

I wouldn't worry about under-exposition (Nikons also tend to under expose) because in digital, over exposure is much more troublesome if you over expose, you loose that part of the pic, while you can bring out shadow details in photoshop without any problem.
BUT what I see in the outdoor photo is that the sony picture looks BLUE all over. Not only is the WB colder, but theres like a blue tonality all over the picture. If you AB both, you'll inmediatly notice how much clear the D80 pic looks.

It looks like it's time to retire my trusty 2 1/2 years old D70 :)
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