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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 27, 2006
Kent, United Kingdom

In one of my programs I have an instance of NSCalendarDate initialised to the current date and time. I wanted to know if there is a way of initialising it to the current date, but with the time set to midnight. If not, is there a way to set the time to midnight after it has been initialised? Thanks to anyone who can help.


macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2006
NSCalendarDates are immutable, so there's no way to change them after they've been initialized. Two NSCalendar dates are necessary, as follows:
NSCalendarDate *currentDate = [NSCalendarDate currentDate];
NSCalendarDate *todayMidnight = [NSCalendarDate
    dateWithYear: [currentDate yearOfCommonEra]
    month: [currentDate monthOfYear]
    day: [currentDate dayOfMonth]
    hour: 0
    minute: 0
    second: 0
    timeZone: nil];
Remember to retain as necessary.
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