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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 10, 2006
I'm currently working on a inline editor for our current homepage, but I just can't get replaceNode() to work... nor can I find any working examples online. appendChild() works fine, but replaceNode() would be far better.

Maybe someone could point me in a right, working direction?

[edit] OK... looks like replaceNode() does NOT work on Mac, no matter what browser you use.


macrumors 68000
Aug 12, 2005
Nashville, TN
Are you using any kind of JS toolkit/library? Chances are, one of those toolkits will abstract you away from the DOM a little and give you all this functionality that you want without you having to deal directly with browser/OS differences.

Me? I like jQuery, but a lot of the world seems to love Prototype.
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