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Roy Hobbs

macrumors 68000
Apr 29, 2005
It's dying of neglect though- 3 months and no support for the newest Nikons? Adobe Lightroom is going to get the customers.

Nikon RAW support has nothing to do with Aperture.
The RAW supoprt is built into OS X.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
Yeah, I thought that you could release RAW/camera support through Aperture or OSX updates (the former putting support "stuff" in the OS).

John Purple

macrumors regular
Jan 8, 2008
Is there a way to get the raw pictures incl. all changes made to them (and metafiles etc.) from Aperture to Lightroom?
Can the file structure (projects, (smart-)albums etc.) be transfered from Aperture to lightroom?


macrumors 6502a
May 1, 2003
Is there a way to get the raw pictures incl. all changes made to them (and metafiles etc.) from Aperture to Lightroom?
Can the file structure (projects, (smart-)albums etc.) be transfered from Aperture to lightroom?

You can export your projects including an xml file and everything except your modifications will come through.

A while back, I was going to switch over, and played around for a while. The only solution I could come up with to keep any "edited" images I wanted, was to also export a version along with the master, bring them into Lightroom and "stack" them. (Keeping the JPG version with the adjustments on "top"). It works, and even with 20,000 plus images, I figured it wouldn't take THAT long.

I decided however to just stick with Aperture, as I far prefer it over Lightroom after playing around with Lightroom for a while. IMO, you just can't beat Aperture's DAM abilities, and that is my primary use for it. It's adjustments, as long as all I need are the basics, are good for me as well. Anything more goes to PS anyways.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
Nope, not easily. You can export RAWs and export JPG/TIFF versions. With the right technique/process, one can do a full conversion, but there will be some recreating of files/folders/lists.

It's a hassle and for most people worth the (really long) wait.

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Is there a way to get the raw pictures incl. all changes made to them (and metafiles etc.) from Aperture to Lightroom?
Can the file structure (projects, (smart-)albums etc.) be transfered from Aperture to lightroom?

Nope. And as Rotlex said, i have tried and there isn't an easy way of doing it. After using both LR and Aperture extensively there isn't anything that would make me switch back to Lightroom. Both apps are great, but they both have limitations that stretch far beyond what many people can see or will ever encounter to say that one is better than the other.

I stick with Aperture because of those same features and options that it gives me, and its flexibility in my ever changing workflow. I may use both in the future, Aperture on my laptop (main machine) and LR on my tower (backup)


macrumors 601
Oct 5, 2006
Northern/Central VA
Nikon RAW support has nothing to do with Aperture.
The RAW supoprt is built into OS X.

They can do it in either place- if the OS guys can't keep up, then the Aperture team is going to have to release import modules in a timely fashion. Just because the OS core image layer is the primary support vector doesn't affect the fact that Aperture isn't keeping up- OSX not importing D3 NEFs is no big deal, Aperture not importing them is. The *easiest* method would be for the Aperture team to use the Nikon API to create an import module until the Core Image folks catch up. Ditto no support for many of the MF digital backs out there- this is Aperture's bread and butter and an arbitrary architecture decision shouldn't be the death knell of this "professional" application.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 8, 2007
Cambridge, MA
BTW I understand the Abe Vigoda reference - but you hopefully realize the original, actual, quote was by Mark Twain.

Yes, I know it's a famous Mark Twain quote. He was originally in that sentence too, but I removed him because having the two of them in there just spread the effect too thin; made it less piquant.

I'm sure a lot of the kids that read these forums are going to be like "Who's Abe Vigoda?"


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
I have been more seriously playing around with Lightroom and I've decided that unless Apple releases something kicka$$ soon, I may jump ship. LR is light years ahead when it comes to web gallery exports. So many lovely templates including flash. Image adjustment controls seem even more intuitive - lens vignetting (control) is awesome!

For those who have switched to Lightroom and then switched back to Aperture, what were the downsides that made you leave?

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
I have been more seriously playing around with Lightroom and I've decided that unless Apple releases something kicka$$ soon, I may jump ship. LR is light years ahead when it comes to web gallery exports. So many lovely templates including flash. Image adjustment controls seem even more intuitive - lens vignetting (control) is awesome!

For those who have switched to Lightroom and then switched back to Aperture, what were the downsides that made you leave?

Oh man where do I start?
- Lack of integration was big one for me. I do both video editing and shooting so I needed it to work with Final Cut Pro and there was no LR plugin for that.
- No Photo books that could be created easily.
- The library and organization scheme will drive you nuts!
- The Loupe was a big tool for me and LR's loupe didn't function as well.
- LR didn't change for my workflow, it forced me to use theirs.
- You have to be in certain modules to do certain tasks, even the shortcuts didn't work from one module to the next.
- Didn't work on dual monitors. A small pet peeve but one that counts for me.
- LR didn't edit that much better than Aperture, and anything over color correction still needed to be done in PS for best results.

Have to leave for a job, will finish the rest later.


macrumors 68040
Feb 17, 2003
with Hamburglar.
Thanks Digital Skunk, those are really valid - I look forward to any other thoughts you have.

The organization/hierarchy is big, I will play around a bit more. With 50 Projects in Aperture, I need a tight integration if I'm going to move anywhere.


macrumors 6502
Dec 9, 2007
The way the stars are aligning I'm going to predict the following will all be announced on the same day:

OS X 10.5.2 update
Aperture update
Penryn-based MacBook Pros

Looks like a mid-to-late February release.


macrumors 6502a
May 1, 2003
The way the stars are aligning I'm going to predict the following will all be announced on the same day:

OS X 10.5.2 update
Aperture update
Penryn-based MacBook Pros

Looks like a mid-to-late February release.

We can all hope! :D

Digital Skunk

macrumors G3
Dec 23, 2006
In my imagination
Thanks Digital Skunk, those are really valid - I look forward to any other thoughts you have.

The organization/hierarchy is big, I will play around a bit more. With 50 Projects in Aperture, I need a tight integration if I'm going to move anywhere.

Alright I am back now and yeah those were my main problems with LR. I loved curves and I loved how LR is a lot more simple in the UI. It's a very smooth application but there are some things you will have to sacrifice. My main issue is that LR locks you into its own workflow and you can't change it, and that it doesn't play with any other application at all, not even Photoshop. The way LR integrates with PS is about on par with Aperture, so that is not an issue at all.

Aperture does workflow the way I need it to do... which is my way, and that changes with whatever I shoot. Weddings are cut much different than stock, or architecture, or editorial. Some days I don't tone at all, I just shoot, import, edit my selects, then output. Some days I take a project from importing all the way to photo book.

I started with the LR beta and it was wonderful, by the time I was ready to purchase something Aperture was the only one available, so I went that way. Then LR became available and the issues I had with Aperture drove me over to Adobe, but after using LR for about two months I found myself working harder to fit the app into a workflow that existed Pre-Lightroom/Aperture, and trying to find ways to make LR talk to iWork/iLife/Final Cut/iWeb and Mac OS X.

As far as editing goes, they are both adequate but not as good as Photoshop of course but they aren't even close to NX. NX has the worst UI in my opinion and I am trying to ween myself back into the app. They both are missing my most desired feature, offline image editing, so my final judgement still stands as:

"They are both wonderful apps, so pick your poison."

If I was a Windows guy of course I'd be using LR and loving it though, but i am a Macintosh guy because of the software and how that software integrates and communicates with the other apps. Now where can I find a word processor that pulls images from my pro image editor, and imports video compressed in any format. No where can I find an image editor/organizer that works MY way no matter what, and exports photos into a Final Cut sequence with editable transitions and effects. The list could get long.

Now... Apple just needs to fix the hardware issues that I personally have and everything would be peachy keen. Sorry for the long rant.

p.s. you will miss smart albums, guaranteed.
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