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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 12, 2008
I have to detect that, a drive is on USB or not.
our code was as

HParamBlockRec pb;
GetVolParmsInfoBuffer vParams;
pb.ioParam.ioNamePtr = NULL;
pb.ioParam.ioVRefNum = actualVolume;
pb.ioParam.ioBuffer = (Ptr)&vParams;
pb.ioParam.ioReqCount = sizeof(vParams);
OSErr gvperr = PBHGetVolParmsSync(&pb);

if (((vParams.vMExtendedAttributes & (1L << bIsEjectable)) != 0 ) ||
(vParams.vMServerAdr !=0 )){
//Ejectable or Network drive

But some cases it's not working properly.
Now am using one more flag "bIsOnExternalBus".
Is it ok??
Or there is any other way to know the Drives type(USB).
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