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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 10, 2005
Hey guys. I'm interested in hearing your general reaction and/or feedback to this website. I've received some flack for my color palette lately, although content organization was considered fine. I'm drawn to the bold primary colors, but I want to see what third party opinions might be for this site, which is a personal website for a photographer, in addition to writer and misc artist.

Any opinions or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!


Moderator emeritus
Aug 16, 2005
  1. The text is fairly small.
  2. The text contrast on the top navigation is lacking.
  3. The navigation would benefit from a hover effect, where the link color changes when the mouse passes over it. It only happens when JavaScript is enabled currently.
  4. Your navigation should be text rather than images, you're not using any fancy fonts. You should at minimum provide some alt text for the images of the navigation items so there's some accessibility there, which will also help with search engine results.
  5. The text on the left doesn't have any header to explain what it is for, and feels out of place (for the home page anyways).
  6. The colors seem retro. Makes me think of hot dogs, Oscar Meyer.
  7. The code could be updated to a CSS-based layout rather than a table layout.
  8. I agree content organization is good.
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