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macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 31, 2009

I'm developing a Slide Image Puzzle in Java. I'm randomly shuffling the Image in a for loop and I want the Image to be painted on the screen after each iteration of the for loop. Using repaint() doesn't work so I'm wondering how I can implement paintImmediately() to do this.

Here's a simplified version of my program structure

1. ImageGame class - main app

class ImageGame{

[INDENT]public static void main() {

[INDENT]//creates and displays a new ImageFrame (extends JFrame)[/INDENT]



2. ImageFrame class - JFrame

class ImageFrame extends JFrame{

[INDENT]ImagePanel panel = new ImagePanel(); //creates panel

//has a menu with options "loadImage" and "shuffleImage"

[INDENT]public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
Object source = evt.getSource();	





3. ImagePanel class - JPanel

class ImagePanel extends JPanel{

[INDENT]//setting up the Panel

[INDENT]public void paintComponent(Graphics g) //works fine
if (image != null)
g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);  	 		}

[INDENT]public void loadimage()
//code to load the image

public void shuffleImage()
//swap adjacent x and x-1




The repaint() doesn't work in the loop because Java only performs the repaint() at the last iteration. Therefore, I want to use paintImmediately() to paint the panel at every iteration so that the user can see how the tiles are being swapped. I understand that paintImmediately() can only be called from the EDT (event dispatch thread) so my guess is that it needs to be in the ImageFrame() class in the ActionPerformed(). I can't figure out how to do this!

Does anyone know how it can be implemented?

Thanks in advance!


macrumors member
Original poster
Mar 31, 2009
figured it out

I figured it out. If the shuffle function runs in a seperate thread, then the repaint() will be synchronous (basically it works!) :)

So I just changed a little bit of code.

When calling panel.shuffle() in class ImageFrame, I did the following..

new Thread(
  new Runnable() {
	public void run() {
		panel.shuffle ();

Then, I simply added Thread.sleep() to in the shuffle function and voila. Probably not the most efficient way of doing this but its what I need at the moment.
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