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macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place

Don't know what to make of this, even the title causes me suspicions. Rockstar out to offend, create publicity, and sell a **** load of DLC to silly teens......


macrumors 6502a
Jan 2, 2009
a boat
GTA IV:The Ballad of Gay Tony

Who else is excited for the latest expansion to GTA IV?While we wont be playing as gay Tony we'll be playing as his personal assistant/body guard louis. This is also most likely the last expansion because Niko,Johhny,and Louis were all at the museum during the robbery. Please post any other details you guys know about this


macrumors 68030
Nov 2, 2003
San Francisco, CA
I'm pretty excited about this, for a couple reasons. First off, I wish the exclusivity would expire and I could get these packs for my PS3.

However, I like that they will be selling the two packs on a 360 disc, and the two missions will not include the main story. But that's great since my brother has a 360 so I'll be able to play both of the side missions. Anyhow, GTAIV was a great game. I really appreciate them keeping it fresh, over a year after it was released.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 25, 2009
just pre-ordered the episodes disc from amazon. should be interesting to continue the story

andrew upstairs

macrumors 6502
Feb 3, 2009
Downtown Los Angeles

Don't know what to make of this, even the title causes me suspicions. Rockstar out to offend, create publicity, and sell a **** load of DLC to silly teens......
What's so offensive about the title?

Also, I would say most DLC is bought by people in their 20s or 30s, just like most games. Also, it's available on disc.

First off, I wish the exclusivity would expire and I could get these packs for my PS3.
Unfortunately, that will never happen.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 23, 2005
a better place
What's so offensive about the title?

Also, I would say most DLC is bought by people in their 20s or 30s, just like most games. Also, it's available on disc.

Unfortunately, that will never happen.

I didn't necessarily mean it was offensive in what its saying, but i'm sure that rockstar knew using 'gay' in the title would create some stir.

Also what difference does it make if Tonys gay ?

Would Rockstar have gotten away with saying The Ballad of Black Tony ? The fact alone that they are defining a character and game title by a characters sexuality leaves me highly suspicious of their motives and attitude, and their previous titles (bully, manhunt etc...) even more so.

Gay people are not defined by their sexuality, just as people are not defined by colour, it is merely a part of their being and not the sole defining characteristic.

Rockstar's title is there merely to titillate & cause controversy (I'm sure tabloid papers and religious groups will be protesting over this game, accusing it of turning people gay and creating a multitude of publicity for Rockstar free of charge) and in doing so - shift more copies.

The title is not a celebration of a person, the title is not a glorious epitaph - it is merely a tool to rake Rockstar a **** load of cash and a gay man myself I find that act/motive (not the title) highly offensive.


Original poster
Jan 18, 2005
Gay people are not defined by their sexuality
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