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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 6, 2009
I have a MBA B, which I am quite pleased with. However, I need to take it in to apple as the screen hinge is developing play.

I hate to lose use of my computer for 2 weeks or so, and I need another one perhaps anyway...

So - given I am going to graduate school, I was going to get a 24" monitor to use with the MBA.

Therefore, I wonder whether I should get a mini or a backup MBP. I don't do video editing, etc. (except for limited iMovie). I don't watch movies on the computer either - unless I had the mini for playing back stuff.

I was thinking of getting a mini to use as a htpc, along with my appletv, provided I could use the mini as an easy pvr.
I just hope that the mini would provide an easy enough tuner experience to replace cable and save money using off the air HD.

the mini would allow me to have a computer while the mba is off getting fixed.

Or, I could get a mpb for a second computer, perhaps leaving it plugged in to the 24" monitor at the house, and have a spare in case something goes wrong with the mba. Disadvantage is I doubt I want to carry the mbp around much - I had the prior generation 15" and it is a big machine.

I also worry about keeping two machines synced all the time so I dont have the wrong version of files.

Synching calendars and emails is no problem as I am on an exchange server.

I would get the 13" I guess, though I could get the 15". I am NOT a fan of the glassy screen.

I love the MBA and at school we have power outlets at every seat so no problem there with short battery life.

I know this is scattered, but I only want to get one additional computer. If the MBA didn't need to go back to Apple I wouldn't buy either right now but I guess this is an opportunity. I love the MBA and wait for the next release to cure its few faults and up the SSD and go to 4gb memory too.

Any thoughts?


macrumors 6502a
May 19, 2009
Russellville AR
I have the same challenge: I have an MBA Rev B, which I absolutely love, married to a 24" ACD. Bliss!

I'm trying to decide whether to upgrade to the 2.13 SSD MBA, or buy a high-end 13" MBP to use as a "main" desk-bound machine. I like the Mini, but to my eye, it's underpowered.

The only other solution is a Mac Pro, and I don't want to spend $2500 just now. I considered buying a 24" iMac and eBaying the ACD, but I love the utility - beautiful display and docking station all in one.

If anyone wants to set me straight about the Mini, I'm all ears.


macrumors 6502a
May 19, 2009
Russellville AR
Well, I guess my point is that if I'm going to be stuck with a relatively slow computer, I'd rather have one that will win a beauty contest.

I've seen Macworld's Speedmark results (202 vs 175) but I just can't see the Mini being sufficiently fast enough to make a difference.

The real decision is to stick with just one computer - the MBA - or buy something else for desk work. I just find it hard to get excited about the Mini, especially when I either have to fork over $200 for extra RAM and HD or crack the case myself.
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