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macrumors 68020
Oct 15, 2008
How can we send complaints for something they havent done?

If your product breaks and they dont fix it... complain.... etc

You might aswell send them an email saying,

"My macbook doesnt play PS3 games.... and I want it to... thanks a lot apple you just lost a customer!"


The ipod touch was never advertised with a camera, it doesnt have a camera, apple never said it was going to have a camera in the future.... /end.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
get over it, a mass compaint to apple will not make them do a re-release of the touch with a camera

And if they do, you people will all be bitching and moaning about how the 3rd gen was released without a camera, you'll dub the camera the 3.5 gen and suddenly there will be upheaval.

Apple did not put a camera in the iPod Touch so that these boards stay alive and people have things they can bitch about. Either that or this is el Steveo's way of telling people to suck it for not giving him the privacy he asked for while he was sick.


macrumors regular
Mar 12, 2009
Jeez, so much pain.

There are some very sad people coming out of the woodwork.

Where did this mass sense of righteous entitlement come from?
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