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macrumors Core
Original poster
Mar 17, 2005
London, England

Using tissue grown in a laboratory, researchers have engineered fully functional replacement penises. The organs were made for rabbits, but the technique may someday be useful for people.

“This technology has considerable potential for patients requiring penile construction,” wrote researchers in a study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Leading the team was Anthony Atala, director of Wake Forest University’s Institute of Regenerative Medicine. Atala is best known for developing a technique in which cells are taken from an organ and sprayed onto a frame made of collagen, the primary structural protein in animal tissue. The structure is then bathed with growth-stimulating compounds and kept in an oven that duplicates the body’s temperature and chemical composition.

Given these starting conditions, natural biology does the rest. The cells divide and arrange themselves in natural, working configurations.

Atala’s group has already implanted lab-grown bladders, grown from the patients’ own tissue, in seven men. Bladders are just one of dozens of organs being engineered by the group, from every part of the body — but in some organs, it’s been difficult to find the right starting mix of different cell types, and reconstruction has proved challenging. The penis is one such organ.

In earlier studies, the researchers grew segments of the penis’ main structures, called corpus cavernosa. These lie along the shaft of the penis, and are made from a complex, sponge-like arrangement of different cell types. But when implanted in rabbits whose corpus cavernosa had been removed, the tissue failed to become erect.

This time, they used a different mix of growth factors, and grew entire corpus cavernosa, rather than pieces of them. It worked: The next penises responded normally to electrical and chemical stimuli, and — more importantly — to biological imperative. When given the chance to have sex, eight were able to ejaculate, and four became fathers.

Oddly, the procedure seemed to make the rabbits randier than usual.

“Most control rabbits did not attempt copulation after introduction to their female partners,” wrote the researchers. “All rabbits with bioengineered neocorpora attempted copulation within one minute of introduction.”

Rabbits, eh? I'll leave the jokes and puns to you people.


macrumors 604
Sep 5, 2005
Bath, United Kingdom
The things we humans do to animals…


macrumors 68040
Mar 3, 2008
The things we humans do to animals…
+1 Is there a category called "useless medical achievements" that we can put this under?
If we're going to torture an animal (which I don't agree with), make it something worthwhile. For example, the cure for HIV/AIDS or cancer. Not for the development of splenda or a rabbit penis.


macrumors regular
Oct 6, 2009
“Most control rabbits did not attempt copulation after introduction to their female partners,” wrote the researchers. “All rabbits with bioengineered neocorpora attempted copulation within one minute of introduction


Is that really something we are trying to encourage among humans?


macrumors 601
Oct 4, 2003
+1 Is there a category called "useless medical achievements" that we can put this under?
If we're going to torture an animal (which I don't agree with), make it something worthwhile. For example, the cure for HIV/AIDS or cancer. Not for the development of splenda or a rabbit penis.

I'm sure you'd feel the same way if your junk got mangled in a car wreck and you couldn't ever use it again. Maybe think for more than one second before posting?


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
I'm sure you'd feel the same way if your junk got mangled in a car wreck and you couldn't ever use it again. Maybe think for more than one second before posting?

Seriously... this is like writing off all plastic surgery because plastic surgery is used for elective reasons -- Plastics is very involved in helping burn trauma patients, kids with craniofacial disorders, etc, etc. The articles themselves that ran on this yesterday (although not the one iBlue quoted) discuss applications for individuals with a variety of reproductive traumas or developmental abnormalities that would fall well outside any reasonable definition of frivolous surgery....

Here are some of those excerpts...

"Further studies are required, of course, but our results are encouraging and suggest that the technology has considerable potential for patients who need penile reconstruction," says Anthony Atala, MD, director of the institute and co-author of the study. "Our hope is that patients with congenital abnormalities, penile cancer, traumatic injury and some cases of erectile dysfunction will benefit from this technology in the future."

The science is also valuable for a broader range of development of replacement tissues, which it had already previously provided (this is the same research group).

The Wake Forest team has already achieved considerable success in the field of tissue engineering, developing whole human bladders that have been implanted into patients.

That kind of attitude is disturbing....


macrumors 601
Feb 19, 2008
How about a neo-vagina? I could see the quote:

“Most control rabbits did not attempt copulation after introduction to their male partners,” wrote the researchers. “All rabbits with bioengineered neo-vaginas feigned headaches within one minute of introduction.”


macrumors 604
Aug 2, 2002
Cork, Ireland.
This is great news for medicine, but it still creeps me out a little.

No, not the thought of men with bio-engineered super-penises putting me to shame.. but the idea of growing human parts. We are the Borg.

I did think it would be kinda cool to have built-in night vision eyes though, is that possible? And a larger bladder. Funny how one's priorities change as one goes through life...


Moderator emeritus
Jan 9, 2004
Grand Rapids, MI, USA
Wait.. so how do engineering rabbit penises help humans?

Basically, we know that at least some body cells (e.g., stem cells) have the ability to form a variety of tissues under the right circumstances. However, the tissue doesn't always get repaired/reformed after an injury (limits in how much your nervous system can repair itself are an example, and so is this). If you can stimulate growth of the kind of tissue you want, then you can create implants that can reverse damage from other trauma. The mechanism by which the cells differentiate and form tissues, and the structure and composition of the tissues, is relatively consistent across mammals.

So (1) if you can figure out how to do it with rabbit tissue, the mechanism may be fairly similar in human tissue and so you may unlock whatever is needed to regrow human tissue (e.g. extract cells from a man who had penile cancer and build new penile tissue that is a genetic match to his own tissue, and therefore very unlikely to be rejected on transplant). In support of this is the fact that the same team did the same thing with bladder tissue and are now able to make tissue that can be implanted in humans (see the BBC link I posted above).

(2) You can also potentially create animal-based tissue that is not a perfect genetic match but is also likely to be accepted by the body, like we use pig valves in heart surgery and so on. That might not be rabbit tissue, but it might be closer to rabbit tissue and therefore easier to develop than having no way to stimulate the growth of this tissue in any case....


macrumors Core
Original poster
Mar 17, 2005
London, England
Thanks mkrishnan for putting it much better than I could have, and for the links and info.

I am not a fan of animal experimentation* and aside from the lighthearted surface-level humour about these sorts of stories, this is interesting and promising stuff from a medical standpoint. (for reasons mkrishnan has already mentioned).

*I am an avid supporter of cruelty-free products, among other things, but that is another topic.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Wirelessly posted (Nokia 5800 Tube XpressMusic : Mozilla/5.0 (SymbianOS/9.4; U; Series60/5.0 Nokia5800d-1/21.0.101; Profile/MIDP-2.1 Configuration/CLDC-1.1 ) AppleWebKit/413 (KHTML, like Gecko) Safari/413)

Well there's no cruelty in giving a horny animal a bigger penis, so don't worry. ;)


macrumors 6502
Jul 28, 2008
Ottawa, ON
How about a neo-vagina? I could see the quote:

“Most control rabbits did not attempt copulation after introduction to their male partners,” wrote the researchers. “All rabbits with bioengineered neo-vaginas feigned headaches within one minute of introduction.”

Haha +1


macrumors member
Jun 13, 2003
re: eastercat, I'd like to make another argument about "useless" medical discoveries. while a "cure" for cancer or HIV/AIDS seems like the most important medical discovery we could make, these diseases are not killing anywhere near as many people as, for example, complications of obesity and diabetes. it may not be as emotionally exciting as the diseases you mention, but seemingly meaningless scientific discoveries and developments that help to reduce caloric intake (like splenda) actually address (however indirectly) a much greater epidemic and killer than the sexy, research-funding-grabbing stuff like HIV.

mrkrishnan made the point much more eloquently, but: research often has implications beyond the immediately obvious things, and furthermore, "difficult" diseases aren't always the most important ones.


macrumors 68000
Dec 29, 2006
Monterey CA
I am not sure a natural life in the wild is so much better for rabbits, the first menu choice for every predator on earth. Being torn apart and eaten alive is how they meet their end, except for those swallowed whole by giant snakes.

That being said, wait until the enhancement people market genuine cell-growth pills.
Using tissue grown in a laboratory, researchers have engineered fully functional replacement penises. The organs were made for rabbits, but the technique may someday be useful for people.
I hope this technique is perfect soon. Ever since those “Extenz” commercials I have always dreamed of a way to realistically increase my endowment. Now not only can I get an increase but a replacement as well.
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