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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 17, 2010
Hey everyone just wanted to let everyone know about a case that I came across on eBay while searching for cases. The case is sold by haitao_digital_accessories (Click Here for eBay Store Link). The phone is pretty much and OtterBox Defender case without the OtterBox branding and I have got to say that it looks like a promising case and a fraction of that cost only $18 USD with free S&H. If your just looking for a case for some protection and want to get it while your waiting for the official OtterBox defender case this is the way to go, or even if you just want something with protection and inexpensive again this is the way to go. I am in the process of ordering my case in order to do a review for everyone so in the mean time if you want to check it out clickHERE. There are more than 10 available if your interested.



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