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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 2, 2006
I have an administration form that check if a checkbox value exist in a array and if it's the case present the checkbox already checked. This work fine:
//--------------------------- checkbox des couleurs
$sql_couleur=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM couleur ORDER BY id_couleur ASC");
$detail_couleur = explode(",", $ligne['couleur']);
 if (in_array ($value_couleur, $detail_couleur)) {
echo "<img valign=top src=../media/couleur/".$ligne_couleur['photo']."><input type=checkbox name=couleur[] value=\"".$ligne_couleur['id_couleur'].",\" checked=checked>"; 

else{ echo "<img valign=top src=../media/couleur/".$ligne_couleur['photo']."><input type=checkbox name=couleur[] value=\"".$ligne_couleur['id_couleur'].",\"><br>"; }
if($i == 10){ echo "<br>"; }

The problem is that when the user unckecked an item the the deposit script doesn't recognise it:

if (isset($modifier)){

while($x <= $nbr){
foreach($_POST['taille'] as $taille) {
$liste_taille[$i] .= "$taille \n"; }
foreach($_POST['couleur'] as $couleur) {
$liste_couleur[$i] .= "$couleur \n"; }
$sql = "UPDATE vetement SET titre=\"".$_POST['titre'][$i]."\",titre_en=\"".$_POST['titre_en'][$i]."\",couleur=\"".$liste_couleur[$i]."\",taille=\"".$liste_taille[$i]."\",prix=\"".$_POST['prix'][$i]."\", collection=\"".$_POST['collection'][$i]."\", ordre=\"".$_POST['ordre'][$i]."\",actif=\"".$_POST['actif'][$i]."\" WHERE id_vetement=\"".$id[$i]."\"";
$resultat = mysql_query($sql) or die("D?sol? la mise ? jour ne fonctionne pas");
It seem that the update increment the field instead of replacing it.


Moderator emeritus
Aug 16, 2005
It's hard to follow the code when it isn't formatted properly with indentation and scrolls that far right. The code is also very susceptible to SQL-injection. You should never put a variable from $_POST / $_GET (or anything user-supplied) directly into a SQL statement, it's just asking for trouble. Look into PHP's PDO class for creating prepared statements for better security as well as input sanitizing/validation.

I recommend capturing the SQL statement and seeing if it is formatted the way you think and try running it against the DB directly to see if it has the correct results.
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