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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Earlier this week, the spotlight was put on Apple for its policy prohibiting customers from purchasing iPads with cash by a report from KGO-TV in San Francisco noting the case of a woman on fixed income who had saved up cash over a period of weeks to purchase an iPad as her first computer.
"It took quite a long time for me to just save up this small amount of money to go down and purchase one," she said. "I had my cash in the backpack and I went up proudly to the counter and told them, 'I would like to purchase an iPad.'"

She was at the Apple store in Palo Alto, about to pull out the big wad of cash and take home her first computer. Instead, she received a terrible blow.

"They said, 'Sorry, we don't take cash.'
With no credit or debit card in her name, she was unable to purchase her iPad, the victim of an Apple policy designed to help prevent customers from circumventing purchase limits in place to deal with tight supplies of the popular device.

Apple initially stood by its policy, but today Apple Senior Vice President for Retail Ron Johnson announced that the company has changed its policy to allow customers to purchase iPads with cash if they set up an Apple account in the store at the time of purchase.
About a month ago, we said we'd like you to use a credit card when you buy your iPad, and that was the best way we could think of to make sure that people only bought two per individual," said Johnson. "And then it came to our attention that Diane [Campbell], through your story, was very interested in buying an iPad with cash, and we made a decision today to change that."

Johnson said our story triggered a company-wide policy change. As of today, anyone can pay for an iPad with cash as long as they set up their Apple account at the store. Apple accounts are needed for the iPad anyway, so that is not putting anyone out.
As a gesture of goodwill toward Diane Campbell, the woman whose experience brought the issue considerable publicity, two employees visited her home today to offer her an iPad free of charge.
"I am just so excited," said Campbell. "Words can't explain right now."
Apple's "no cash" policy was not unique to the iPad, as the company has introduced it in October 2007 for the iPhone in order to deal with high demand.

Article Link: Apple Axes 'No Cash' Policy for iPad Sales


macrumors newbie
Sep 9, 2008
maybe someone should have stopped her from buying one as her first computer, bc u actually need a computer to use the thing. Atleast thats what a mac sales person told me. They said its in an agreement that u sign that u have to have a computer b4 buying an IPAD.

She has no debit card in her name...ok u can go to almost ne bank with bad credit and mine is bad still open up a checking account and get a debit card. In fact TD bank lets u do all of that including have the card ready in 5 min. Or **** go to the gas station and get a money order lol. Am i missing something here?


macrumors Core
Jul 24, 2006
The Ivory Tower (I'm not coming down)
Sigh. Pending the definition of "fixed income", I'm willing to bet there are better things she could have spent her money on. [flame war initiate]

On the other hand, it's nice to see them come up with a compromise solution.

dukebound85 said:
taht lady is going to need to buy a computer even use it

If she set up her account in the store, one would reasonably assume that she activated the iPad there as well.


macrumors regular
Mar 29, 2010
Anchorage, AK
taht lady is going to need to buy a computer even use it

^ this, at least to activate it...

Step one: Set ridiculous policy
Step two: Receive bad press
Step three: Reverse ridiculous policy, hand out free gadget to eldery, crowned as saints
Step four: ???
Step five : Profit


macrumors member
Feb 28, 2010
taht lady is going to need to buy a computer even use it

Not true, as far as I'm aware. It needs to be hooked up with iTunes once to activate it (one of the employees could have done it with their laptop) then it's good to go.



macrumors Core
Jul 17, 2005
5045 feet above sea level
Sigh. Pending the definition of "fixed income", I'm willing to bet there are better things she could have spent her money on. [flame war initiate]

On the other hand, it's nice to see them come up with a compromise solution.

I do question how one can even function in a society without a mere checking account? I mean, I can not think of a single employer who pays cash instead of checks....and if you get paid via check then you must have a checking account.

Even if she did not have one, she could have gotten one for free with a debit card and been able to circumvent this

Or maybe she is isn't the brightest bulb in the box...

Maybe Apple should have thought about that and brought her a nice new 8-core Mac Pro with a cinema display!!

Apple is now a slave to news..A good thing imho.

Help me think of a way to illustrate an Apple policy as bad so I can get a free product!

enzo thecat

macrumors 6502
Apr 7, 2010
Midwest USA
maybe someone should have stopped her from buying one as her first computer, bc u actually need a computer to use the thing. Atleast thats what a mac sales person told me. They said its in an agreement that u sign that u have to have a computer b4 buying an IPAD.

She has no debit card in her name...ok u can go to almost ne bank with bad credit and mine is bad still open up a checking account and get a debit card. In fact TD bank lets u do all of that including have the card ready in 5 min. Or **** go to the gas station and get a money order lol. Am i missing something here?

Yeah, this story is bs on so many levels. Typical propaganda agenda-driven Bull Sh**. And poor Apple has to bend on its knees.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2004
Step one: Set ridiculous policy
Step two: Receive bad press
Step three: Reverse ridiculous policy, hand out free gadget to eldery, crowned as saints
Step four: ???
Step five : Profit

You're forgetting this is Apple.

Step one: Set ridiculous policy
Step two: Profit
Step three: Receive bad press
Step four: Profit
Step five: Reverse ridiculous policy, hand out free gadget to eldery, crowned as saints
Step six: Profit
Step seven : Profit some more
Step eight: Release next version/big thing
Step nine: Return to step one. Profit.


macrumors 601
Jul 30, 2007
Tokyo, Japan
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (OS4.0b3): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A274b Safari/6531.22.7)

wkw said:
Wow! free iPad! That is a nice gesture on Apple's part.

Indeed. Can you say 'fan for life'? :)

Seriously though, good PR for Apple. They certainly need it these days ...


macrumors member
Mar 14, 2006
Great. How about gift cards? Are Apple retail stores also changing policy to accept Apple gift cards for purchase of an iPad?


macrumors newbie
Sep 9, 2008
I do question how one can even function in a society without a mere checking account? I mean, I can not think of a single employer who pays cash instead of checks....and if you get paid via check then you must have a checking account.

Even if she did not have one, she could have gotten one for free with a debit card and been able to circumvent this

Or maybe she is isn't the brightest bulb in the box...

**Or maybe she is isn't the brightest bulb in the box...** she thought an IPAD would be a great choice for her first computer. ITs like saying i want a computer that i can edit movies...excuse me sir, can u show me where the netbooks are? lol


macrumors 6502
May 14, 2010
Free iPad?! :eek: I need to think of some clever scheme that gives Apple bad publicity so I can get a free iMac or something.
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