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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Aug 8, 2002
Sorry if this is a dumb/noob type question, but I understand that the new iMac comes with a standard setting called AUTO which near as I can tell throttles the CPU up and down depending on demand. Further, I understand you can run it in max (or whatever it's called) by electing to do so.

So I guess my question is, since the thing is plugged into the wall at all times and is not drawing down a battery, why'd they do this? Why not run at full speed 100% of the time?



macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Have had my new iMac G5 running on Highest for about an hour now. Fans kicked in once for about 30 seconds and were pretty quiet. I'm leaving it at highest. Who cares if my electric bill is a few bucks more a month?


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Aug 8, 2002
Thanks for the replies/explanations. Makes sense, though I agree I'll probably keep mine on full speed :D

BTW I'm a switcher to be - I pulled the trigger on a loaded 20" iMac today after the last frustrating straw with my PC....

And thanks too re: posting in the other forum. I realized that after I posted but didn't know how to change the forum, or if it was even possible, sorry!



macrumors 65816
Apr 16, 2002
Chicago, IL
rdowns said:
Have had my new iMac G5 running on Highest for about an hour now.

Do you notice a speed difference? It seems that if the "Automatic" setting did its job right. you shouldn't notice anything. Automatic should give you the speed when you need it, and let the processor run slower when it can (for example, playing a song in iTunes doesn't need the full processor).


macrumors 65816
Apr 16, 2002
Chicago, IL
anthonymoody said:
And thanks too re: posting in the other forum. I realized that after I posted but didn't know how to change the forum, or if it was even possible, sorry!

Only moderators can move threads. It's not a big deal to occasionally post in the wrong forum, and sometimes a topic might fit equally well in a few areas, so it can be a judgement call. I just wanted to let you know for future reference.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
Elan0204 said:
Do you notice a speed difference? It seems that if the "Automatic" setting did its job right. you shouldn't notice anything. Automatic should give you the speed when you need it, and let the processor run slower when it can (for example, playing a song in iTunes doesn't need the full processor).

Haven't done any heavy lifting yet so I can't tell. I plan on spending this weekend installing RAM, getting rid of wires, adding Airport Express to network, moving data and programs over and giving this puppy a good workout. Oh yeah, and watching my Jets go 3-0.


macrumors 6502
Aug 29, 2004
Elan0204 said:
Do you notice a speed difference? It seems that if the "Automatic" setting did its job right. you shouldn't notice anything. Automatic should give you the speed when you need it, and let the processor run slower when it can (for example, playing a song in iTunes doesn't need the full processor).
I've had my iMac for almost 2 weeks now, and I run it on "Highest" all the time now. I have noticed with some programs, games especially (note: I don't use it for games, this was just to test) that the framerate was quite erratic at times, but running on Highest it was smooth. It seems it doesn't always know when it's best to drop the speed or raise it, however I'm sure it's fine for many other uses.


macrumors 6502
Aug 15, 2004
On my Dual 2.5GHz G5, only occasionally do the fans start making more noise, but the performance gain is noticeable...


macrumors 68030
Sep 18, 2003
London, UK
I did switch my 12" PB to run on Highest when plugged in, but I got fed up with the increased fan useage. Now, I only run it on Highest when working in GarageBand or encoding/burning an iDVD. The only difference with Auto that i've noticed is that the dock magnification isn't quite as silky, but that shouldn't be a problem on an a machine with a 1.6 or 1.8GHz G5 anyway.

Oh, and it's good to save energy where possible :eek: :)


macrumors 6502a
Jan 18, 2003
San Francisco, CA
I have mine on Highest all day, but when put it on Reduced at night so it can fold without being really loud (I'm about 2 feet away from it when I sleep, so it's kind of noticeable).
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