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macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 3, 2010
if i run project and see the output in simulator then i need that screen shot how can i do?

i have mac mini and normal keyboard.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 2, 2008
if i run project and see the output in simulator then i need that screen shot how can i do?

i have mac mini and normal keyboard.

I'm not quite sure I understand your question. If you want a screenshot of the iPhone (or iPad) simulator, first get the simulator to show what you want. Then press shift-command-4. Then move the resulting cursor (which has a small gray circle with two lines crossing it, along with two numbers representing the cursor coordinates) on top of the simulator. At that point, press the space bar. The cursor will change into an icon of a camera, and the window that will be taken a screen shot of will be highlighted in light blue. Now click the left mouse button. A .png file will be created on your desktop.

I believe the file type (in this case .png) and the location (desktop) can be specified somehow. I don't remember right now, you can google it.


macrumors member
Original poster
Feb 3, 2010
i have mac mini.

so i have normal keybord.

now what is shortcut key for that?
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