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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Hey, thought I'd pass this on.

Mysteriously, my iPad started fading to BLACK when I triple-clicked the home button to activate Voice Over (wanted some text spoken to me on a web page).

Well, it had been working so well prior to this... now... everything always fades away. After being too lazy to do anything about it, I finally gave up and Googled the problem from a few different angles, before finding this:

If VoiceOver is on and the screen is black, but you can still use the device by pressing volume up and volume down, you may have screen curtain on. Try triple-tapping using three fingers on the device display to turn off screen curtain. Or connect the device to iTunes (see above).
What's this? "Screen curtain"? Never heard of it before. Sure enough, however... one triple-tap later, and my screen was visible again. Problem solved!

With a name to call it, I Googled again and found this response:

That's not a bug. You have the 'screen curtain' feature of VoiceOver enabled. You can disable it by doing a 3-finger triple-tap gesture. You can also use iTunes to disable VoiceOver: press "Configure Universal Access" from the device sync screen.

Some poor guy actually restored his iPad to get out of this mode. Yikes.

At any rate. I word to the wise. Also, someone posted these URLs for anyone curious to learn more about Apple accessibility gestures.

~ CB
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