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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 19, 2010
An example of what I mean: I wanted to listen to this Yale course on listening to music:

They offer the course in quicktime video, and mp3.

I realize you can probably download to a PC and then transfer, BUT many people including myself run an iPad only.

I understand one reason may be because Apple wants you to buy everything from Itunes rather than having people pirate things.

However not all quicktime videos are pirated, and many mp3s such as the above example are free.

I see this as a significant weakness of the iPad.

Will this be addressed in OS4?
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macrumors member
May 7, 2008
GoodReader may be a slight improvement, but the point still remains: why can't Apple incorporate an in-built filesystem?

Sadly, I don't think we'll see it in 4. Apple like to do things their way, and don't really ever listen to customers. It's obvious that Apple are moving towards this closed, one entry system for products.

I really wish they would have a universal system for all files, even if there are seperate apps like iPod and Photos to use them. Even if we could only download images, videos and pdfs it would be a major improvement.

That's why I'm not buying an iPad. Sad, seeing as it is so awesome in almost all other areas.

Also, I think Apple doesn't want the iPad to become like a full fledged system that could become your main computer. That rubbish excuse they used about it being "a new catagory" was just an excuse to cripple it, meaing you still have to have your Macbook and iPhone. The closed, crippled system is just to keep you buying their laptops aswell. With the right interface (the one it has now), it is perfectly capable of replacing a laptop - they just don't want you to.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 19, 2010
thanks for the responses. ill pick up goodreader, but looks like there is no legitimate answer for not having a file system, other than apple just doesnt want to do it. i think eventually iPad will get this and other features. Jobs at that conference basically said iPad will replace the PC eventually.


macrumors 6502
Mar 13, 2008
United Kingdom
An example of what I mean: I wanted to listen to this Yale course on listening to music:

They offer the course in quicktime video, and mp3.

I realize you can probably download to a PC and then transfer, BUT many people including myself run an iPad only.

I understand one reason may be because Apple wants you to buy everything from Itunes rather than having people pirate things.

However not all quicktime videos are pirated, and many mp3s such as the above example are free.

I see this as a significant weakness of the iPad.

Will this be addressed in OS4?
But then you'd be complaining about not having enough space to store all of these downloads. One complaint leads to another ...
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macrumors member
May 7, 2008
But then you'd be complaining about not having enough space to store all of these downloads. One complaint leads to another ...

Well, that's a problem that's in the hands of the user, not Apple. And if this is how people want the iPad to be, then maybe 16gb isn't enough space for the baseline model.


macrumors 6502
Mar 9, 2008
GoodReader may be a slight improvement, but the point still remains: why can't Apple incorporate an in-built filesystem?

Sadly, I don't think we'll see it in 4. Apple like to do things their way, and don't really ever listen to customers. It's obvious that Apple are moving towards this closed, one entry system for products.

I really wish they would have a universal system for all files, even if there are seperate apps like iPod and Photos to use them. Even if we could only download images, videos and pdfs it would be a major improvement.

That's why I'm not buying an iPad. Sad, seeing as it is so awesome in almost all other areas.

Also, I think Apple doesn't want the iPad to become like a full fledged system that could become your main computer. That rubbish excuse they used about it being "a new catagory" was just an excuse to cripple it, meaing you still have to have your Macbook and iPhone. The closed, crippled system is just to keep you buying their laptops aswell. With the right interface (the one it has now), it is perfectly capable of replacing a laptop - they just don't want you to.

Apple are a stupid company, Bill Gates should have bought them and chucked out Steve.

Look at the sales of Apple products since Steve Jobs took over - it's ridiculous :rolleyes:

Dr Kevorkian94

macrumors 68020
Jun 9, 2009
Apple are a stupid company, Bill Gates should have bought them and chucked out Steve.

Look at the sales of Apple products since Steve Jobs took over - it's ridiculous :rolleyes:

I really hope ur not serious ur on a site called macrumors and u just bash apple like that. Your entitled to ur opinion but that takes balls.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 9, 2008


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macrumors 68020
Mar 23, 2009
Sadly, I don't think we'll see it in 4.

Why not, when it's already been announced as part of the 4.0 feature set?

There is going to be a system-wide common directory that all apps can access. As well, apps will still have a private sandbox that is off-limits to other apps.

Of course, apps will have to be re-written to take advantage of this.


macrumors 65816
Aug 29, 2009
Why do you need to download them when you can just stream them right in iPad's Safari?
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macrumors 6502a
Jan 28, 2008
Why do you need to download them when you can just stream them right in iPad's Safari?

Perhaps for the purposes of later use offline? It's also not entirely economical to be streaming the same thing multiple times when you can just download it once.


macrumors 68000
Jan 4, 2009
San Antonio, Texas
To take it to the next level we have to stop thinking about files. Data should live in the cloud and be available for however I want to use it, whenever I want to use it.
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macrumors newbie
Nov 23, 2010
USD Dropbox

I use the Dropbox App to download PDFs onto the iPad.
When downloaded, you have the option to add them to iBooks.
Maybe when it is an MP3, you'll get the option to add it to iTunes. I've never tried that yet.
Somehow you need to get the files first to you on-line Dropbox account. I don't know how to do that without a PC, though ...


macrumors 68040
Apr 30, 2010
I use drop box but would still love to be able to have the ability to download files in a decent file system on my iPad. For this reason the iPad will always have limited practicality.
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Riemann Zeta

macrumors 6502a
Feb 12, 2008
I agree that the lack of a real file system is a pain in the ass. The odd file-copy "open-in app" ability of OS 4 just feels weird to me--it goes against every traditional OS file management concept that I've used.

However, your problem can be solved as long as you have OS 4.x: some 3rd party browser interfaces like iCab have a real download manager (you can "save as"), they can then be used to open media in another application. Works for MPEG4 .avi files, should work for mp3s.


macrumors 68020
Mar 6, 2008
Mos Eisley
Jobs doesn't need to grant access to the file system. All he needs to do, is to include a sandboxed, native 'Files' app to the OS, that would solve all the up/download needs for all apps.
When you choose to upload, the picker for files and images pops up.
The same could happen for downloads, depending on wether it's an image or other file type.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 24, 2010
I find it funny how iPad is becoming less and less that "middle device". It's my primary device. With a camera and a stable iPad Skyfire browser, it will be my only device.

Oh yea an option to download software updates directly to the device is greatly preferred. iTunes, schmitunes. :p

Almost forgot...more ram.


macrumors 6502
Jan 14, 2003
California, USA
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

Bad example to use: it states on the page that due to copyright restrictions (Creative Commons, etc) not available in iTunesU...

According to their website, Yale decided to make some courses Desktop/laptop only due to the various plugins and features that many mobile devices can't handle.

They have some of their classes on iTunesU (iTunes) and some on YouTube.

Send Yale a nice email about possibility of making materials available for iPad...

Edit: tried using Filer: Those files are large 4.3gb for med bandwidth intro lecture!


macrumors regular
Aug 1, 2010
Good lord, you guys all do things the hard way. I download and play .mp3's and movies all the time with iCab browser on my iPad, you don't need to be jailbroken or install Goodreader. If you want to save it to your main computer you have that option when you sync
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