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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) kicks off next Monday with a keynote given by Steve Jobs. While almost all of the attention has been focused on the leaked iPhone, Jobs will likely be talking about more than a new iPhone at the event. Here are a few possibilities of other announcements that we could see at or around WWDC.

iPhone OS 4

It's guaranteed that Jobs will spend a good portion of the keynote talking about the upcoming iPhone OS 4. New iPhone SDK developer seeds have been regularly released every two weeks until this past week, indicating that Apple is likely saving up the most recent changes for WWDC. We're not yet sure when the final version will be released to customers.

Mac Pro / 27" Display

Apple's Mac Pro line is overdue for updates. The last revision for the Mac Pro was in March 2009. Intel has already introduced new processors that would be suitable for the Mac Pro, though volume shipments of the 6-core Xeon chips were delayed until June. We've also heard whispers that Apple could be readying the new Mac Pros very soon.

A report from earlier this year also indicated that Apple was prepping a new 27" LED Cinema Display for launch "by June". The display is said to utilize the same panel used in the 27" iMac and closely resemble the 24" LED Cinema Display that launched in late 2008.

Cloud-Based iTunes / MobileMe

While some observers have speculated about a possible launch of a cloud-based iTunes service at WWDC, industry sources suggest such a service isn't imminent. Steve Jobs did reveal earlier this week, however, that Apple has been working on some sort of wireless syncing for the iPhone.

One unconfirmed rumor has also suggested that Apple may begin offering a free version of MobileMe as part of a cloud-based initiative.

Apple TV

A recent rumor reported that Apple was working on a completely revamped Apple TV. While streaming content will be the focus of the device, users will also have the option of pairing the new Apple TV with a Time Capsule for external local storage.

The new device is said to be based directly on iPhone OS 4. If true, WWDC might be a natural venue to introduce the device, although the report indicated that we should not expect an announcement there as Apple seeks to keep attention focused primarily on the iPhone.

Mac OS X 10.7 (Unlikely?)


The next major release of Mac OS X has been in use since at least October 2009. Web records for MacRumors show that Apple has been using 10.7 internally since that time. While early rumors have pointed to the possibility of a Mac OS X 10.7 announcement at this year's WWDC, the most recent reports have nixed that plan.


Steve Jobs promised that we wouldn't be disappointed, so there is always the hope for something more. We'll have live WWDC Keynote coverage on Monday, June 7th at 10:00 AM Pacific Time.

Article Link: Other WWDC Possibilities: iPhone OS 4, Mac Pro, Apple TV, Cloud-Based Services


macrumors 68030
Sep 24, 2008
Blazer town!
iMac and mac mini

updates and refreshes coming tuesday or next tuesday..

what is the chance of MacBook AIR going to ARM processor?

it would be cool have 12 to 15 hours of battery life ;)


Moderator emeritus
Aug 16, 2005
New England
I'm shocked to see that the Apple folks working on 10.7 get to take the weekends off. :p (Or maybe they just don't hang out at MR on weekends?).

I for one am prepared to be disappointed.



macrumors regular
Apr 20, 2010
The only thing that is obvious that Apple will talk about is the new iphone OS. I kinda doubt the rest of the stuff, and wouldn't really care anyways.


macrumors newbie
Mar 31, 2009
Anyone expecting to see OS 4 beta for iPad at WWDC? Seems to make sense to get it ready for a fall release.


macrumors 6502a
Feb 23, 2005
The Netherlands
iPhone OS 4 seems likely as we were expecting iPhone OS 4.0 beta 5 last wednesday which was not seeded (hence: breaking the 2-week beta release cycle).... so it looks like they are finishing off iPhone OS 4 for public release; perhaps even next week?


macrumors 6502
May 27, 2010
I hope they update the OS and graphics drivers to make mac gaming more enjoyable!

Chupa Chupa

macrumors G5
Jul 16, 2002
Just thinking out loud here:

Can Jobs really talk about just the iPhone 4 for an hour? I mean we know the basics of iPhone OS 4.0, from the rumors we know there isn't a whole lot "new" in the iPhone 4, just big improvements and new form factor. ATT has already announced availability of tethering.

My gut is telling me this is going to be more than an iPhoneFest. 30 min for iPhone, 30 min for something else. Maybe new cloud service, iPhone OS based Apple TV, but something else.

One other thought -- maybe the reason ATT is discontinuing the unlimited 3G service on the iPad and iPhone is because of a new cloud service that presumably will chew up a lot of bandwidth. Maybe ATT is blaming "2%" of users now but the real reason is they know that 2% is going to grow to 10, 20, 30% very quickly because of this new service.
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