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Truss Wrod

macrumors newbie
Nov 16, 2010
I understand what being an entrepreneur is. I started my own company. I took the risks and rewards. No salary when times were bad. Big dividends when times were good.

I have admired the entreprenuerial spirit of Apple since 1984 when I bought my first Mac. I also understand how garage companies eventually metamorphose into global brands stocked with MBA's and Harvard business school graduates whose only experience of risk is a weekend in Vegas putting $20 on 'Black".

An era passed with Jobs and we must all get used to the new culture.

I agree entirely with the views of my fellow Brits with the heritage Mr Browett brings to Apple.

Indeed I wonder if American companies are so in awe of the British accent they they fail to do due diligence (yes, I'm talking to you CNN for hiring a disgraced editor of the Daily Mirror to front your main talk show).

You would have to have lived in the UK and been a consumer electronics customer of PC World, Currys, Dixons etc to truly understand the extreme irony of putting in charge of the best retail operation in the world, the man who presided over one of the worst - surly staff entirely clueless about the products they sell, shop displays that look like an explosion in a junk yard, and an enthusiasm to sell extortionate and generally worthless after-market warrantees on
everything from a pair of $10 headphones to a 50-inch flat-screen. I once purchased a $25 radio from Dixons and had to take five minutes explaining why I didn't want the $20 after-market warranty.

I encourage Apple to hire the best brains and talent they c an find and shower them with millions of dollars of share options if that's what it takes to imagine, manufacture, and launch cutting edge devices

But to make an instant multimillionaire of the chap who is to retail excellence what Stalin was to human rights, is, well, depressing.


macrumors newbie
Mar 15, 2008
Apple stores use to be fun, relaxing and pleasant..

It used to be one could happily browse around an Apple store without being bothered by a shop assistant every 15 seconds, gone are those days. The times when I actually need an assistant none are available - why is that? It reminds me of Dixons who used to have sales assistants on commission which was really annoying.

I used to enjoy going to the Apple store, I kinda hate it these days


macrumors 6502a
Aug 1, 2011
I bet this guy thinks its Christmas every day after securing a job with nice $5m stock dividends at one of the largest companies on planet and arguably /the/ best tech company when the only thing on his CV is being a greedy profiteering snake who drove the likes of PC World and Currys into the ground.

Seriously what did the Apple board see in him?


macrumors member
Feb 13, 2008
You guy mention Dixons without having the slightest clue about the full story there.
Give the guy a break, give him some time to fill the shoes, make some mistakes then judge him on results.
I d like you to see if any of YOU guys could do the job. I know i couldnt.


macrumors 6502
Jul 22, 2002
I just can't help but think that all this fear-mongering bullcrap going around about this guy is simply the typical fear-mongering bullcrap that runs deep within Apple subjects from "fanboys" and vitriolic haters alike.

WHAT could he have POSSIBLY done in such a short time that deserves any criticism or praise for that matter? ....

He's the guy that was going to layoff a bunch of Apple store employees (and I think try and reduce hours for others) across all the stores right before the iPhone 5 launch - cause he wanted to improve the revenue per employee numbers (which is already the highest in the industry by far).

When you think of how busy Apple stores are and how you already have to wait to get service, this was just a moron / stupid move from someone who obviously a.) hasn't been in many Apple Stores or b.) Doesn't care about the service experience to the customer (the reason the stores exist in the first place), which isn't great already because of waiting.

Either way he probably should be working for someone else where customer experience isn't so important as it doesn't seem part of his expertise.


macrumors 65816
Mar 12, 2012
Has the staff cutback been reversed? When I picked up my iphone reservation couple weeks ago, I stood around for 15 minutes before someone was able to help me. Then couple nights ago I stopped in to add AppleCare+ to the phone, I stood around for 20 minutes. I tried to grab one of the reps who didn't look busy, she asked if I'd put my name on the list to see a rep :mad:

When the rep came after 20 minutes of standing around like an idiot, it took all two minutes to take my $106 as he tried to rush me outta there. I had to ask for a print for some kind of proof of purchase, as did with the phone itself :mad:

Never mind the staff cutback, is Apple cutting back on ink and paper too :confused: Is this how they have to pay for Browett's package? :rolleyes:


macrumors regular
May 9, 2006
You guy mention Dixons without having the slightest clue about the full story there.
Give the guy a break, give him some time to fill the shoes, make some mistakes then judge him on results.
I d like you to see if any of YOU guys could do the job. I know i couldnt.

Judge him on results? We already can... Last week I tried to book a genius appointment at my local apple store only to find that there were none available for over a week! This was never the case, in fact, 2 years ago, you could normally just walk into a store and receive service.


macrumors 68040
Mar 28, 2005
Rumours that he tried to sell his bosses a pointless extended warranty for 50% the full value of the shares cannot be confirmed at this time.*

* because I just made them up, obviously


macrumors member
Feb 13, 2008
Judge him on results? We already can... Last week I tried to book a genius appointment at my local apple store only to find that there were none available for over a week! This was never the case, in fact, 2 years ago, you could normally just walk into a store and receive service.

And you think this is directly attributable to JB ?
I can tell you some horror stories from the Apple Store in NYC under the RJ era, yet i never saw it as a connection.


macrumors member
Jun 10, 2011
I for one know first hand, this guy has done nothing to help apple retail. Job cuts, hours cut, ridiculous notions of in his own words "TURNING APPLE INTO A HIGH END RETAILER" decreasing stock levels then slowly shipping it all back to us. Filling the shelves with high priced products that get stolen more. This dude can go suck it. I vote Steve Cano should be building on what Johnson started.


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
If he's only concerned with profits - and several posters on this forum are only concerned with Apple making huge profits - why such objections. Same goal right? :rolleyes:


macrumors member
Jun 10, 2011
Its the customer experience that is losing out. demoralized overworked staff, high shrink numbers. Lets say every apple store loses 3 pairs of Bose QC 15 headphones a week in the US and lets say roughly 300 stores at around $200 each thats a loss of $180,000 on just 1 item alone. those numbers are pretty close to what is happening in apple stores today. Money is walking out of the stores.

If he's only concerned with profits - and several posters on this forum are only concerned with Apple making huge profits - why such objections. Same goal right? :rolleyes:


macrumors member
Jul 15, 2010
You guys are cute when you're posing uninformed speculative drivel about Apple products, less cute when it's about real human beings. Judging this guy for everything wrong about Apple retail today would be just as silly and shortsighted as giving Tim Cook all the credit for everything good that's happened since he took over. What Apple is today is the sum of many years, and no one person can stop a train on a dime the way you all seem to think Browett is on course to do.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 13, 2009

Indeed I wonder if American companies are so in awe of the British accent they they fail to do due diligence (yes, I'm talking to you CNN for hiring a disgraced editor of the Daily Mirror to front your main talk show).

You would have to have lived in the UK and been a consumer electronics customer of PC World, Currys, Dixons etc to truly understand the extreme irony of putting in charge of the best retail operation in the world, the man who presided over one of the worst - surly staff entirely clueless about the products they sell, shop displays that look like an explosion in a junk yard, and an enthusiasm to sell extortionate and generally worthless after-market warrantees on
everything from a pair of $10 headphones to a 50-inch flat-screen. I once purchased a $25 radio from Dixons and had to take five minutes explaining why I didn't want the $20 after-market warranty.

This is it. Browett's employment at Apple made me instantly lose my optimism over Tim Cook. I just had no clue out of all the retail people in the world,or even people from other sectors that could give a fresh insight into retailing, why on earth would Apple employ this guy?

Apple Stores worked because, especially in their early days, they were a fabulous experience completely different to most other McRetailers. Already it looks as if Browett's influence is turning them into just another dumbed down chainstore with downtrodden staff to frustrate shoppers who expect 'gong to a shop' to have added value over mail order. There's no shock here. That's his background, his skillset.


Oct 24, 2012
You guys are cute when you're posing uninformed speculative drivel about Apple products, less cute when it's about real human beings. Judging this guy for everything wrong about Apple retail today would be just as silly and shortsighted as giving Tim Cook all the credit for everything good that's happened since he took over. What Apple is today is the sum of many years, and no one person can stop a train on a dime the way you all seem to think Browett is on course to do.

JB was directly responsible for a few radical and sweeping changes that happened almost immediately. The Expert role and expectations were changed dramatically (including quotas for accessory sales), Redzone and family room on point is a disaster. Stores went from having active Genius Bar queue management to not, resulting in far less availability. There was scheduling flexibility that was immediately tightened up on that would allow a store to flex small device certified specialists to the bar and open up appointments. Back of house specialists are having their hours cut and are taking Redzone shifts about 50/50 now.

Active inventory practices such as nightly counts on certain products are seen as a waste of time. The physical inventories that are being done this month will be the worst in company history. Morale is terribly low amongst employees.

Employees got pay ~25% pay raises but part timers got ~25% of their hours cut and they haven't come back like they very recently did for the full timers.

Personal Setup still exists but there is often just one or two employees dealing with 10 Mac setups and 15 iOS setups. When it was introduced by RJ it was touted as the future of the store's success. Now it's an afterthought.


macrumors 65816
Feb 25, 2009
This guy is a corporate charlatan who had no business even being interviewed for the job, never mind actually appointed. Apple were looking for an "international" candidate and regardless of fit, they stupidly went for Browett who must have bullsh*tted his interview and got the nod.

Almost on cue, his first few actions have been disastrous and speak of wanting to make his mark internally, putting personal ego above the strong team ethic present at Cupertino. I'm sure this won't have gone unnoticed and his card is probably marked as being a 'problem' rather than a 'solution'. Question is, how long do they give him? Because the sooner he's a former employee of Apple Inc. the safer the company will be.

That $1.78m should be a severance package.


macrumors newbie
Aug 28, 2007
Apple retail experience

My last apple store experience in Indianapolis goes something like this. Was approached by a young person with an ipad inquiring how he might help. I told him I was buying a macbook pro for my wife. He asked us to wait by the macbook pro's (an undescribed, random area of our choosing) until some unidentified person could come assist. By the way, they weren't that busy. After some 10 minutes of waiting I reapproached the young person bearing an ipad as to when we might be helped. I was informed there were 6 people ahead of me and it might be 15 minutes. We decided to go to Best Buy and bought the macbook pro in less than 5 minutes.

Ok, so I just have to say, this bonus, of untold millions should translate to good customer service before it's actually paid. This isn't an isolated experience for me at the Indianapolis store and normally I just buy online. I think they have a problem with their retail strategy and common courtesy. Trust me here and I'm being charitable.


Mar 23, 2006
Welcome to ugly face of western capitalism where you get $1.78m for doing f all while millions of Americans stand in line for food handouts. Don't get me wrong I have no objection to payment for results. I run my own business and if I work hard and become successful I think I deserve the rewards but this guy has only been there 5 minutes and he's already been responsible for a number of f ups. He should have to wait at least a year or two before getting anything so we can all see whether or not he has made a significant difference to retail sales.


My last apple store experience in Indianapolis goes something like this. Was approached by a young person with an ipad inquiring how he might help. I told him I was buying a macbook pro for my wife. He asked us to wait by the macbook pro's (an undescribed, random area of our choosing) until some unidentified person could come assist. By the way, they weren't that busy. After some 10 minutes of waiting I reapproached the young person bearing an ipad as to when we might be helped. I was informed there were 6 people ahead of me and it might be 15 minutes. We decided to go to Best Buy and bought the macbook pro in less than 5 minutes.

Ok, so I just have to say, this bonus, of untold millions should translate to good customer service before it's actually paid. This isn't an isolated experience for me at the Indianapolis store and normally I just buy online. I think they have a problem with their retail strategy and common courtesy. Trust me here and I'm being charitable.

The standard of service of my local AppleStore has just been going down and down over the past year. I went in last week to ask about the new iPods. I asked the nearest sales rep who said and I quote "we have no idea when they are coming in, they don't tell us anything". He looked so disinterested I just walked away. On my way out I noticed another sales rep who seemed a bit more senior so I asked him the same question: "they will be in store next Tuesday sir". So I asked him about the new iPhones and all the reports about niks and scratches, etc and he was very open and helpful.

That's the problem. The good sales reps are leaving because many of them have become disillusioned and they are replacing them with what I would call your average totally disinterested, unhelpful, couldn't care less British retail sales staff. If you live in the UK you'll know what I mean. Give it a couple of years with Browett in charge and the AppleStore will have lost all it's magic and will be just another retail outlet.

Truss Wrod

macrumors newbie
Nov 16, 2010
You guy mention Dixons without having the slightest clue about the full story there.
Give the guy a break, give him some time to fill the shoes, make some mistakes then judge him on results.
I d like you to see if any of YOU guys could do the job. I know i couldnt.

Agreed. I couldn't do his job. But I'm not after his job. And I'll bet he couldn't do mine.

But what do you think is going to happen when you put Swiss Tony ( in charge of a Bugatti dealership?


Mar 23, 2006
Judge him on results? We already can... Last week I tried to book a genius appointment at my local apple store only to find that there were none available for over a week! This was never the case, in fact, 2 years ago, you could normally just walk into a store and receive service.

For 2 million quid a year I'd give it a bloody good go and I'm damn sure I could deliver a better retail experience than what he did with Dixons/Currys/PC World.


macrumors 68000
Feb 18, 2003
Los Angeles
I bet this guy thinks its Christmas every day after securing a job with nice $5m stock dividends at one of the largest companies on planet and arguably /the/ best tech company when the only thing on his CV is being a greedy profiteering snake who drove the likes of PC World and Currys into the ground.

Seriously what did the Apple board see in him?

Well, apart from that bad experiment with staffing, the chances I've noticed since he's been at Apple are terrific. People bothering you at the Apple store? They're actually trying to help. Just say, "I'm looking," or ask a question that you'd like answered, and they'll help you. If not, I've found they leave you alone. The gear fills up the store all by itself. And the iPhone app purchasing is pretty neat. Asking for help? Use the iPhone app and you meet the Apple person in a corner of the store. There's far more staff at Apple, and they help you very quickly.

I can't tell you what he did at the other stores, because I've never set foot in one. It's in England. I'm in the US. I suppose it all depends on the retail computer business. Aside from Apple, it's not doing very well.
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