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macrumors 604
May 21, 2012
1: Add dynamic glance and go information to the lock screen

2: Add dynamic icons to the home screen that can update weather, album art for things like Spotify, and the date (already done)

3: Quick settings in notification center, or accessible through another swipe gesture

4: The ability to kill all apps with one button

5.Swipe up in additional to double click home to get to task manager

6. Swipe gesture across dock or time for quick brightness control

7. Two finger swipe left or right to switch between running apps

8. Pinch home screen to display all screens.

9. Full music and album information, and audio controls in notification screen when any music app is playing.

10: Add some type of scrolling transition effect to the home screen to spice up the interaction a little bit so it's not "boring"


macrumors 68000
Jul 29, 2012
As much as Jony Ive hates skeuomorphism, I hope he doesn't make a drastic UI changes in iOS 7. But it'll still be interesting to see how iOS develops under his reins.


1: Add dynamic glance and go information to the lock screen

2: Add dynamic icons to the home screen that can update weather, album art for things like Spotify, and the date (already done)

3: Quick settings in notification center, or accessible through another swipe gesture

4: The ability to kill all apps with one button

5.Swipe up in additional to double click home to get to task manager

6. Swipe gesture across dock or time for quick brightness control

7. Two finger swipe left or right to switch between running apps

8. Pinch home screen to display all screens.

9. Full music and album information, and audio controls in notification screen when any music app is playing.

10: Add some type of scrolling transition effect to the home screen to spice up the interaction a little bit so it's not "boring"

Number 7 is from zephyr jailbreak tweak? And if they really put in number 2 & 8, Android will probably sue Apple for copyright. Don't think they'll add that in.


Sep 25, 2010
I am not disappointed with iOS 6, but I have a wish list:

1. Mountain Lion Dock
2. Multitouch gestures
3. Speed improvements
4. More efficiency


macrumors 65816
Jun 17, 2010
Realistically? (Knowing Ive will be tinkering now with the design)

1. Delta app updates.
2. More multi-touch gestures.
3. Redesign of several areas using terrible skeumorphism.
4. Game Center overhaul focusing more on Challenges/Achievements, to help compete slightly with gaming systems.
5. iCloud upgrades (restoring single app backups as well as entire device backups)
6. More siri integration and improvements.



macrumors 68000
Jul 29, 2012
There is nothing wrong with the speed of iOS 6, but I would like to have e.g. a faster Safari. I would also like to have Adblock.

A FASTER SAFARI?? Are you kidding me? Haven't you not seem the countless reports of safari being lighting zippy on iOS 6? Have you actually used an iPhone 5 with LTE surfing the web? It is already blazing fast, idk why you would want it to be faster!


Sep 25, 2010
A FASTER SAFARI?? Are you kidding me? Haven't you not seem the countless reports of safari being lighting zippy on iOS 6? Have you actually used an iPhone 5 with LTE surfing the web? It is already blazing fast, idk why you would want it to be faster!

Agreed, but it is not perfect yet. There is always room for improvements.


macrumors 68000
Jul 29, 2012
Agreed, but it is not perfect yet. There is always room for improvements.

True. Safari being faster with every major iOS update has already become a trend. Would be nice to have new features for safari in iOS 7 as well.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 27, 2010
Agreed, but it is not perfect yet. There is always room for improvements.

Safari could be faster, I agree. There is a point at which no matter how fast your Internet connection is it can only render pages so fast, so there is little difference between 20mbps and 100mbps in web browsing terms.

That said, it's plenty fast enough for me. Faster safari is way down the list of iOS improvements for me personally.


macrumors regular
Jul 18, 2012
United Kingdom
1: Add dynamic glance and go information to the lock screen

2: Add dynamic icons to the home screen that can update weather, album art for things like Spotify, and the date (already done)

3: Quick settings in notification center, or accessible through another swipe gesture

4: The ability to kill all apps with one button

5.Swipe up in additional to double click home to get to task manager

6. Swipe gesture across dock or time for quick brightness control

7. Two finger swipe left or right to switch between running apps

8. Pinch home screen to display all screens.

9. Full music and album information, and audio controls in notification screen when any music app is playing.

10: Add some type of scrolling transition effect to the home screen to spice up the interaction a little bit so it's not "boring"

I really like the idea of one button to kill all apps. I also hope they add the much requested feature of adding quick settings in Notification Centre.


macrumors regular
May 25, 2012
Hong Kong
Again I ask why?

Why have apps actually running rather than suspended, eating battery, when you can only see one app on screen at any one time. It's a phone, not a desktop computer, and I don't see any Android phones that split the screen in two and run two apps simultaneously.

Galaxy Note 10.1 and some Chinese knock-off support what they call "Picture-in-picture", i.e. real multitasking at any one time and as I know Galaxy Note 10.1 can accommodate 4 running apps on the home screen at one time.

I also agree this seems not necessary most of the time especially during gaming and not possible on a 4" phone, as I don't think anyone would expect to watch a movie and play "Draw Something" while playing Modern Combat. However, "Picture-in-picture" may be useful when doing business work on a iPad or tablets, especially when someone needs to draw a picture after a photo.


1: Add dynamic glance and go information to the lock screen

2: Add dynamic icons to the home screen that can update weather, album art for things like Spotify, and the date (already done)

3: Quick settings in notification center, or accessible through another swipe gesture

4: The ability to kill all apps with one button

5.Swipe up in additional to double click home to get to task manager

6. Swipe gesture across dock or time for quick brightness control

7. Two finger swipe left or right to switch between running apps

8. Pinch home screen to display all screens.

9. Full music and album information, and audio controls in notification screen when any music app is playing.

10: Add some type of scrolling transition effect to the home screen to spice up the interaction a little bit so it's not "boring"

So what you simply want is a iOS-droid:cool:


macrumors 6502a
Nov 14, 2011
Planet Earth (?)
Apple will not change it's stance on it's multi-tasking UI, which is vital to battery life. Some don't like it as it's not "true" multi-tasking, although I fail to see why you'd want apps running, 100%, all the time in the background pumping life out your battery as opposed to being in a suspended state. If they're in the background, you're not using them, "real" multi-tasking or otherwise. Why spend juice running something full pelt when you're not using it?

They could change the multi-tasking UI. The apps can still be in a suspended state, but the current UI can be changed.

I think what most people hate is the fact that it's just a little bar on the bottom that shows the icon of each app. When you enter multi-task, about 80% of the screen is un-used, and this leads to a rather silly control system of your other apps. You're not able to see all of them at once if you have many running! You have to scroll through the whole thing, becoming tedious if you have lots of apps open. Then, if you want to close them, you have to do it one by one! There's no button that allows you to close them all at once.

I'm sorry, but those things (which, from what I've read, are the things people hate the most about multitasking), can easily be fixed by increasing the screen space. They can make it bigger! And this allows for more apps to be displayed, it allows space to add a "close all" button, and it could even allow for a preview of what the other app is like (a picture of the last thing you see before it enters this "suspended state").

Edit: And with the iPhone 5, all this is even more relevant, because of the extra screen space.


macrumors 603
Jul 3, 2002
Middle Earth

iOS 7

1. Amazing inter-application data sharing.
2. Better Spotlight
3. Air Drop
4. Local Processing for Siri (no internet required)
5. Location Aware profiles
6. Time Machine support
7. Delta upgrades for everything
8. OpenCL
9. XPC
10. More Gestures

Lot's of room to grow.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 5, 2008
I think the long time rumoured Apple's pandora-like internet radio will see day view with iOS 7. Also, iTunes 11 which will likely to be released 7-8 months before iOS 7 will have hints in code and mac devs will find that out, will be another macrumors first page news.

iPhone 5S exclusive feature is a must. (Siri in 2011, panorama in 2012 even though it's still available for 4S)

Will definitely see where Ive will take iOS. I really wonder what iOS X (2016) will be like. That's a big name not to be fallen short of the mark.

As a side note i still love iOS 6 and think it's awesome instead of maps. Just better battery would be nice. All these criticism facing iOS 6 is because people are bored of it.


macrumors regular
Oct 9, 2012
Go back to iOS5.1 (not 5.1.1 as that re-introduced crashes in Safari on iPad1 and touch 4g like in 5.0 and 5.0.1). I don't mind change but not when it makes things worse.

Honestly iOS6 offered nothing really new or exciting (Passbook literally could've been an app in the App Store like Podcast). Do Not Disturb and Panaroma could've also been a minor update for 5.2 (like the camera icon shortcut was added in 5.1). I also dislike some of the layout changes:

-Music app. In iOS6 everything is white so it is painful to look at.

-App Store and Itunes. iOS6 layout is bad because you can't see the rating (# of stars) unless you click on the app. Also searching is worse because it only shows a few at a time. So can't quickly scroll lesser known apps or underrated ones.

-Apple Maps. Although it works decent in US, worldwide is a bit of a mess. Not having Street View or transit info is less features. However once Google finishes the Google Map App (and Apple allows it) this 'controversy' should die down.

Honestly 5.1 was fine. For those that are 'bored' the simple answer is to jailbreak your iOS device. This will give you all the customization you need and make it look like Android if you so desire.

For those saying Apple should allow customizations, remember iOS platform is not geared specifically for tech-savvy people but for everyone. So Soccer-moms, Seniors, average Joes, and of course kids. For example in Android you have to root the device to get more customization features.

Drunken Master

macrumors 65816
Jul 19, 2011
Saw this Muji phone design today and thought it would be great if the number pad phone app looked a bit like this (minus the chord, just the faceplate and the buttons, replace the speaker with a space for dialed in numbers):



macrumors member
Mar 17, 2011
i understand ios is app driven, and i like that vs useless gimmicks, but these are a few things that i'd like that would make the experience more efficient:

- delete multiple mail messages
- keyboard that allows you to select the large number pad
- move music to a playlist while it's playing
- song progression bar on lockscreen
- music in notification center instead of 2 tap home button + swipe right
- ability to add settings toggles to notification center
- "driving mode" where siri activates by voice (maybe after a tap of the the home screen to wake to save battery)
- old youtube app
- a browser like atomic web browser


macrumors member
Oct 22, 2012
the absolute number 1 thing that's missing from ios is the ability to make font larger in safari natively and automatically.

nearly all third-party browsers allow this feature but they aren't allowed to use the nitro javascript engine so naturally are nowhere near as quick as stock safari. on many mobile websites the font is absolutely microscopic and you can't zoom around.

there is a javascript code you can add to your favorites to increase font size but automatic ability would be MUCH easier.


macrumors member
Feb 12, 2011
What I would really like to see from iOS, aside from a complete GUI overhaul would be:

  • Completely gesture based - swipe up from bottom to reveal multi-tasking bar
  • More flexible app store policies
    [*]allow emulators, torrent clients, tethering apps
    [*]allow third party web browsers to use their own engine
    [*]allow apps to have more freedom similar to how apps are on Cydia (tweaks, customizations, etc.)
    [*]able to stay open in background for longer than 10 minutes
    [*]eliminate 200 MB app transfer rule​
  • Automatic app updates
  • Don't restrict cellular data (allow app installations larger than 50 MB)
  • Set default apps
  • Hide stock applications or at the very least redesign stock apps to make them more useful
  • Prevent shutdown of phone unless pin is entered - this would be useful if your phone is stolen and you are tracking it
  • File management system
  • make iDisk app for iCloud
  • YouTube competitor
  • iTunes subscription service for movies, TV shows and music
  • Allow pin to be bypassed when on home Wi-Fi network
  • iOS Pro apps - Aperture, Final Cut Pro, Logic


macrumors regular
Nov 28, 2006
Couple of features currently missing, doesn't need to wait until iOS7:

- Needs "Mark All Messages As Read" in iOS Mail, just like in OSX Mail. Tired of having to manually select hundreds of emails.

- Need the ability to add parental controls to Safari - not just the ability to disable the entire app - but allow or block certain sites, etc. such as on OSX Safari.
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