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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 23, 2012
I have a brand new fresh-out-the-box MacBook Air. After dragging and dropping over my sizable iTunes library to iTunes 11, I noticed that the Air was not registering play counts on songs. After doing some testing, it turns out that you cannot record play counts when crossfade playback is enabled. I understand this is a very specific problem, but it really bums me out.

I don't mind iTunes 11, and I'm not sure if this is an 11 issue, or a MacBook Air problem or what. Any thoughts? Any fixes?


macrumors newbie
Nov 30, 2012
Did any power iTunes users test this thing?

Thoughts? Yeah, it's an obvious bug that Apple should fix ASAP.

I would think using cross-fade is a fairly common option. And I would think play counts and Last Played (yes, that field is also not being updated) are VERY commonly used criteria in smart playlists.

My smart playlists are essentially useless now with cross-fade on. I know Apple likes to clip silence off the ends of files which sort of defeats the purpose of cross-fading (in most instances) but with all the other removed functionality in iTunes 11, there's little point in leaving cross-fade in if it isn't going to work properly.


macrumors newbie
Dec 1, 2012
Unchecking crossfade actually worked after relaunching itunes.
Hower songs shorter than 10 seconds are still not counted.
(Example: Rotosound Strings from 30 Years of Maximum R&B by The Who)


macrumors 68020
Feb 16, 2012
While the new iTunes is full of issues I'm still quite liking it. The up next system is making up for any woes. Hopefully they'll sort the stuff out, remain optimistic folks!
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