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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Google, via its newly acquired Motorola Mobility unit, is developing a "stand apart" phone to compete with the iPhone, reports the Wall Street Journal. The phone, which the company aims to release next year, is designed to compete more strongly with the iPhone, and Samsung's Galaxy line, than Motorola's current lineup.

This new "X Phone" project is being led by former Google product manager Lior Ron. Possible features seemed to be ambitious with exploration of bendable screens, ceramics, image and gesture-recognition software.

The company is running into development issues, however. Google is having problems with supply-chain management, a speciality of Apple CEO Tim Cook.
But while Google is known for swift execution on the Web, its new hardware unit has run into obstacles associated with manufacturing and supply-chain management that have caused the company to rethink some initial plans for the X phone, these people added. Meanwhile, Google must manage complex relationships with smartphone makers that use its Android mobile-device software--particularly with Samsung Electronics Co., a Motorola rival that has become the No. 1 smartphone maker with Google's help.
Google does have ample amounts of cash to invest in the phone project, which the WSJ says the company will follow up with a tablet based on the same platform.

Google's acquisition of Motorola was controversial as it puts Google in direct competition with their Android licensees. Apple and Samsung, however, have captured the lion's share of smartphone profits, and Google is reportedly concerned that Samsung could "fork" Android and preventing Google's applications from being installed by default. This could have a large impact on Google's mobile reach if it doesn't develop its own handset.

Article Link: Google/Motorola Developing Flagship Phone to Compete with Apple and Samsung


macrumors 68040
Apr 6, 2007
This ****'s about to get interesting.

Given Android is very much on a stable, non-fragmented heading now (the latest Android builds have come on leaps and bounds), this could actually be a heck of a lot more successful than the previous attempts.

Apple needs to up their game - Android is now the better OS, undeniably with the likes of the S3 and Note.

It's only a recent change however, but certainly a worrying one for Apple.


macrumors 68040
Apr 6, 2007


Whats the betting it has a crap name though? I hope they drop the 'Nexus' name - it's a bit...well...crap. It's the sort of Xbox name you'd expect a 14 year old kid to use.

As long as its not something like "Motorola Google SMX0395" or some stupid codename type phone.

Edit: I'm betting it'll be called the Google Nexus X, followed by the Nexus X II and X II


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009

Whats the betting it has a crap name though? I hope they drop the 'Nexus' name - it's a bit...well...crap. It's the sort of Xbox name you'd expect a 14 year old kid to use.

As long as its not something like "Motorola Google SMX0395" or some stupid codename type phone.

Edit: I'm betting it'll be called the Google Nexus X, followed by the Nexus X II and X II

I hear just to piss Apple off - they are going to just call it "Insanely Great"


macrumors 68040
Oct 3, 2009
Didn't Google already do this? I was called Nexus, and it was a huge failure!


macrumors 68020
Feb 23, 2006
San Francisco, CA
Android fragmentation keeps heading in the worse direction. Companies WILL fork Android, its only a question of time.

Forks can go either direction, for the good or for the bad. I have been on both sides of it, I have had my projects forked and I have forked other projects.

In the end, you always get a different product that is rarely compatible with each other.


macrumors regular
May 18, 2011
Hey, and while you're at it, how about an OS that works and isn't a POS? That'd be great. Since I've owned my iPhone I have not had the urge to throw it against a wall once, I have not had to apologize to people for losing a call or poor quality or reception, I have not had to restart it or wait for an app to load. So while you're making all those great things to compete with it, try making an OS that works as well as iOS. Yea, good luck with that.


Dec 7, 2010
Cant wait to see what it is.

Android is already superior to iOS and if they make the hardware better along with some few things, I could defiantly see myself moving to Android.


macrumors 68020
Mar 31, 2010
Google's acquisition of Motorola was controversial as it puts Google in direct competition with their Android licensees. Apple and Samsung, however, have captured the lion's share of smartphone profits, and Google is reportedly concerned that Samsung could "fork" Android and preventing Google's applications from being installed by default. This could have a large impact on Google's mobile reach if it doesn't develop its own handset.

And as predicted, Android starts to eat itself. I knew Samsung completely dominating the other Android manufacturers and taking the little profit there is in Android with Google not seeing much at all wasn't going to last long. My bet is this aggression by Google against Samsung is going to hasten Samsung forking Android into its own OS. This is going to be fun to watch.


macrumors 65816
Dec 27, 2006
I DID build that!
Another Google phone?!

Don't worry Google, you'll get it right one of these days!

Meanwhile, all the people that bought earlier Google phones, are they "Scroogled"?!


macrumors 68040
Apr 6, 2007
Didn't Google already do this? I was called Nexus, and it was a huge failure!

The problem is, Google didnt make it. They outsourced it to LG, and LG just provided a handset they probably would have released under their own name if Google didnt license it.

I dont think this has helped either:

Then you've got the fact that despite being the largest advertising company in the world, Google failed to advertise it at all really (maybe intentionally due to the display delays - who knows).

I'd guess and hope that now that its coming 'in house' it will be a better run operation.

Obviously it's been on the cards for a long time, otherwise Motorola wouldn't still be open.

They would be pretty stupid if they WERENT doing this. They spent all that money on Moto - may as well put them to use doing what they do best.


And as predicted, Android starts to eat itself. I knew Samsung completely dominating the other Android manufacturers and taking all the profit with Google not seeing much at all wasn't going to last long. My bet is this aggression by Google against Samsung is going to hasten Samsung forking Android into its own OS. This is going to be fun to watch.

It's not all that different of the situation that Microsoft put themselves in. They screwed over OEM's with Windows Phones, and now with Surface.

The days of having a software company, and a hardware company are coming to an end.


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
Android fragmentation keeps heading in the worse direction. Companies WILL fork Android, its only a question of time.

Forks can go either direction, for the good or for the bad. I have been on both sides of it, I have had my projects forked and I have forked other projects.

In the end, you always get a different product that is rarely compatible with each other.

Actually I think Android is moving in the opposite direction with a lot less fragmentation. And fragmentation barely (if ever) affects most customers. The big/most popular apps will always make themselves compatible (being more of an issue for developers) and many "regular joes" don't even care about which version of the OS they are running as long as their phone works the way they want to.

Hey, and while you're at it, how about an OS that works and isn't a POS? That'd be great. Since I've owned my iPhone I have not had the urge to throw it against a wall once, I have not had to apologize to people for losing a call or poor quality or reception, I have not had to restart it or wait for an app to load. So while you're making all those great things to compete with it, try making an OS that works as well as iOS. Yea, good luck with that.

Bias much? Have you used Jelly Bean? It's hardly a POS. I own both and iPhone and Android phone - they are BOTH great devices with a lot of postives and few negatives. Both phones have had to be rebooted, dropped calls, etc. No phone is immune.

But feel free to keep hating. From the tone of your rant - I can just imagine how much "quality" time you've spend using anything other than iOS.


macrumors 68040
Apr 6, 2007
Hey, and while you're at it, how about an OS that works and isn't a POS? That'd be great. Since I've owned my iPhone I have not had the urge to throw it against a wall once, I have not had to apologize to people for losing a call or poor quality or reception, I have not had to restart it or wait for an app to load. So while you're making all those great things to compete with it, try making an OS that works as well as iOS. Yea, good luck with that.

Clearly you've not used Android 4.

Whilst Android 1, 2 and 3 (to a lesser degree) had a lot of issues (which were mostly down to UI inconsistencies and incompatibilities caused by crap hardware), 4 is a heck of a lot better. The S3 is a very, VERY popular phone, and actually performs a fair bit better than the iPhone 5.


macrumors 68040
Apr 6, 2007
Android fragmentation keeps heading in the worse direction. Companies WILL fork Android, its only a question of time.

Forks can go either direction, for the good or for the bad. I have been on both sides of it, I have had my projects forked and I have forked other projects.

In the end, you always get a different product that is rarely compatible with each other.

Could you be any more wrong?

Try using the latest Android builds for more than 5 minutes, and on a device that isnt a $100 POS.

Fragmentation has been solved pretty damn well with Android 4.


macrumors 6502
Jun 6, 2012
Will be interesting to see how Google responds to the monster they've created in Samsung (especially if it turns on them and forks Andoid for their own use like Amazon did).
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