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macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2003
Minnesota USA
You know, (and don't take this as if I'm being arrogant) (well you can if you want but there's no value in that) I could talk for days about the damage that this strange recent phenomenon causes, from overt physical to deep psychological to just plain weird, but that will be elaborated on fully on my website currently being built. But... I will say this...

The major error that most women appear to make so naturally as to not even notice how ridiculous it is, is that they seem to think that they know men. Especially 'what men like'. They Do Not.

It's difficult for me to say very much here because my work is a complete paradigm shift. When I say paradigm shift i mean it in it's true sense, like how Einstein turned the world upside down. So there is no basis for you to understand my work other than in the current paradigm.

But your superficial argument that denuding the pubic area is equivalent to shaving arms or legs, is as fallacious as equating female genital mutilation with circumcision.

To think clearly about all the issues I raise requires a bit of thought about what it is to be a human being. Where we came from (regarding out development as a species) and where we are going.

Women do not understand men at all. Neither men women. And the reason for that is that it requires a deep understanding of the fundamental human problem first. And a real commitment to honesty.

The fundamental human problem is one of 'insecurity'. It manifests in men as a fear of being laughed at (thus jealousy) and it manifests in women as a fear of death (thus anger at men looking at young girls) It's all a big F up.

Any more than that I cannot say on this forum. But you will be hearing about it soon enough.

Sweetie, sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. But if navel gazing makes you happy, go for it!


macrumors 68000
Sep 19, 2003
Minnesota USA
Huh? What does my post have to do with blacks and latinos? Get a grip dude. We aren't talking about them right now. While we are at it black people were the main ones voting against gay rights in California that helped get that prop 8 law passed. So when given the opportunity to afford freedom to others Black people refused.


I just don't believe in any of the religious stuff. If I need a book someone wrote thousands of years ago in order for me to know the difference between right and wrong, something is seriously wrong with me.

As an atheist, I agree with you. Maybe my post didn't make it clear I think using the Bible to defend bigotry is hypocritical by those who profess to strive to be like Jesus.


Women do not understand men at all.

Since I am a 48 year old straight woman, single all my life, and you are presumably not gay, I would assume I've had sex with many more men than you. So, is it possible I know more about what men like sexually than you do?

Grey Beard

macrumors 65816
Sep 10, 2005
The Antipodes.
But OK let me just take for one teeny tiny example. Keep this in mind it's just a response to your challenge to add a bit of hard science, it's not the main game...

Let's just take male homosexuals for example. Now it may not be the case, but it is implicit for most people that they will be engaging in anal sex. From the perspective of my new paradigm I point out that anal sex is utterly pointless and unnecessary for men

Ok, as one of the few male and **Gay** card carrying **Fa@@ots** posting here, may I suggest that you take your teeny tiny example and jam it in whatever accommodating area you would be most comfortable with.

I have read a great number of objectionable posts made to the PRSI pages and other threads at MR, but you have to be the most self opinionated, boring, bigoted, and homophobic posters of recent times.

This thread was in regard to Apple's support of Gay Marriage. I heartily applaud Apple and the other 59 in their statement to the US Supreme Court. You appear to be directing the thread to an inevitable train wreck.

Your intellectually challenged theory is it's verging on extreme trolling. If you wish to push your barrow of obscenities, please do so in a thread of your own creating.

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macrumors 68000
Oct 9, 2010

It's OK to be absurdly pompous, but it's no substitute for reasoned argument. If you disagree with me then why not calmly dismantle my logic with counter logic and who knows you may convince me to come around to your way of seeing things.

PS, is Seth McFarlane an anti gay bigot?

edit: Is it any coincidence that you label me 'homophobic', thereby providing you some ready made excuse for ranting, while unable to provide any reasoning whatsoever other than your declaration. What do you call that, sir?.

Why not just prove your assertion with some simple reasoning because in the absence of simply cutting and pasting a statement do you want to simply be believed? Maybe you genuinely misinterpreted or misunderstood something. Why not assume that people are good, why not assume you have misunderstood something and then seek clarification before engaging in slanderous name calling?

Just a thought

EDIT: How's this for my non homophobic card carrying credentials, I use to make hand screened t-shirts for gay shops who sell to gay people who have a sense of humour. Here is a link to a design that is planned in illustrator before screening. This particular one designed my my girlfriend of 25 years. I wore one to the Gallery of Modern Art in Queensland recently. Furthermore I've been around gay people my entire life, and not a single gay person I've ever met has been as uptight and humourless as you appear to be. (warning: may offend those who are easily offended)
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macrumors 68000
May 16, 2006
Anyone can go find a statistic to fit the bill. If they are for it, why arent they voting for it on the ballots? Seems if 51% were for it, they would have also voted for it.

How about you forfeit health care and tax incentives? Then we will see how bad you want marriage.

If you are prepared to propose that we also remove all civil and financial benefits from all existing and future heterosexual marriages at the same time, then we can continue down that path of discussion.


macrumors Haswell
May 3, 2009
This thread has far off the rails and petty bickering. This thread is now closed.
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