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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

For the second time in a week, China's state-run press has published an article criticizing Apple over allegations that Apple's warranty in that country is significantly worse than in other countries, reports The Wall Street Journal. Apple had previously claimed the warranty it offers in China is nearly identical to that offered in other countries.

Previously, a number of Chinese celebrities criticized Apple on microblogging site Sina Weibo -- however, it is alleged that the messages were paid for and part of a coordinated attempt to stir up an anti-Apple backlash amongst the Chinese public.

Today's article, published in The People's Daily newspaper, criticized Apple for declining journalists' requests for interviews, and called a press release the company issued "empty and self-praising". For years, Apple has been extremely selective when it comes to granting interviews.
Though it can be difficult to predict government behavior based on news coverage in China's state-run media, analysts said the string of attacks suggested that the government is considering doing more to encourage the growth of domestic smartphone companies and eat away at dominant foreign companies, such as Apple.

The criticism means "that in establishment circles, there is a level of acceptance that it is OK to go against this company, which can mean there's trouble down the road," said Jeremy Goldkorn, director of, which researches Chinese media.
The incidents reflect more on a changing Chinese approach to foreign companies, rather than some specific reflection on Apple itself. China is Apple's second largest market after the U.S., and the company has been aggressive in expanding there.

The Chinese government has targeted other foreign companies including Volkswagen and KFC in recent months.

Note: Due to the controversial nature of this topic, the discussion thread is located in our Politics, Religion, Social Issues forum. All forum members and site visitors are welcome to read and follow the thread, but posting is limited to forum members with at least 100 posts.

Article Link: Chinese State-Run Press Slams Apple Over Warranty Criticisms


macrumors 68000
Feb 8, 2002
Anyone want to bet whether this is a coordinated anti-Apple effort tied to the announcement that Apple would be manufacturing its products in the US again?


macrumors 603
Aug 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
Man, I'm so glad I live in a country where the government doesn't run the media

:rolleyes: (THIS EMOTICON MEANS "SARCASM")..... I'm being sarcastic because the US media is anything but impartial and the 4th check it has been and is supposed to be. I'm not making a political statement either way - both are equally guilty (though it is pretty lopsided in one party's favor).
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macrumors 601
Jun 13, 2007
Anyone want to bet whether this is a coordinated anti-Apple effort tied to the announcement that Apple would be manufacturing its products in the US again?

I think it's just an anti country other than China message they're putting out. Goods need to be manufactured more in their own countries, it's stupid to push everything to China and not expect something like this to start happening somewhere down the line.


macrumors 6502
May 20, 2006
Do the Chinese public buy into this crap? I see something on CNN or any news really, and I don't believe it until I've seen multiple sources, and then I'm still cynical. If the Chinese government was in charge of my news, I'd never believe anything they ever reported. Do the Chinese public actually listen and believe what is said on state run media? I would think state run media would almost be a joke to the general population that it serves.


macrumors 65816
Sep 14, 2009
From CNET: "...That wasn't good enough for The People's Daily, which in a front page story earlier today (spotted by The Wall Street Journal) lambasted Apple for not responding to interview requests on the issue."

uhh...welcome to journalism.



macrumors 68020
Mar 31, 2010

Battlefield Fan

macrumors 65816
Mar 9, 2008
And Apple can move their production to another country where they can pay .05 an hour and leave hundreds of thousands of Chinese unemployed. Their new production line in Brazil is a good start.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
And Apple can move their production to another country where they can pay .05 an hour and leave hundreds of thousands of Chinese unemployed. Their new production line in Brazil is a good start.

Good luck with that. Virtually their entire supply chain is located in the far east and moving production of tens of millions of items would take quite some time. I also don't believe Apple can or will find a place to manufacture that has the number of people they need.


macrumors 603
Oct 28, 2007
Apparently the Chinese government didn't get the memo about Foxconn's record profits.


macrumors 68020
Aug 17, 2008
I cannot help finding Macrumors stance a little one-sided here. Or is it just me?

Contrary to others (I, for one, cannot read the linked WSJ article without signing up, and the teaser doesn't really get to the bottom of the issue), Macrumors fail to state the very issue that's been criticized by Chinese media - while at the same time slamming "China" for its recent media coverage about Apple, insinuating some sort of government-orchestrated move to discredit Apple.

1. As CNET reports, it is alleged that Apple repairs iPhones by only swapping defective parts, instead of swapping entire units - which they do in other countries. corroborates this:

"The programme claimed that Apple is breaking Chinese law by not replacing damaged iPhones with a completely new model. It maintained that Apple replaces parts of the iPhone but returns it with the old phone’s back cover"

If this claim is true, if Apple really do repairs rather than full unit swaps, this means that the entire service process takes longer - for the customer. Customers have to wait longer to get their working iPhones back.

2. And, to quote Macrumor's own article here "Apple had previously claimed the warranty it offers in China is nearly identical to that offered in other countries" (emphasis mine)

I don't claim to know the truth or any details at all about their repair procedures in China. But the picture these reports paint, is at least coherent: Apple seem to not offer the same level warranty service as they do in other countries. And pointing out that the warranty is (only) "nearly identical" looks like an implicit admission to that.
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macrumors 6502a
Mar 13, 2009
Ironically, the 'free trade' west can't seem to wait to offshore everything to a country that follows old school protectionist policies. Anything to access a low-wage economy I guess.


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
First in with "Apple should just BUY China" and "Apple should just stop selling anything in China - that will teach them" ???


macrumors 6502a
Nov 28, 2007
Man, I'm so glad I live in a country where the government doesn't run the media

Just as long as corporations don't control the media. That would be the end of days.

An empty self-praising press release? Inconceivable!

What matters it that Apple should be abiding by China's (let's be charitable and call them) laws. If it is… no biggie, if it isn't… should fix it. Thanks to AppliedMicro for doing the basic journalism, here. Shame on MacRumors.

I do like the bit about Samcopy getting caught red-handed, though. At some stage Samcopy's spending on bribes, advertising and channel stuffing, has to exceed its actual profits on Galaxy phones…


macrumors 6502a
Jan 15, 2007
I cannot help finding Macrumors stance a little one-sided here. Or is it just me?

Contrary to others (I, for one, cannot read the linked WSJ article without signing up, and the teaser doesn't really get to the bottom of the issue), Macrumors fail to state the very issue that's been criticized by Chinese media - while at the same time slamming "China" for its recent media coverage about Apple, insinuating some sort of government-orchestrated move to discredit Apple.

1. As CNET reports, it is alleged that Apple repairs iPhones by only swapping defective parts, instead of swapping entire units - which they do in other countries. corroborates this:

"The programme claimed that Apple is breaking Chinese law by not replacing damaged iPhones with a completely new model. It maintained that Apple replaces parts of the iPhone but returns it with the old phone’s back cover"

If this claim is true, if Apple really do repairs rather than full unit swaps, this means that the entire service process takes longer - for the customer. Customers have to wait longer to get their working iPhones back.

2. And, to quote Macrumor's own article here "Apple had previously claimed the warranty it offers in China is nearly identical to that offered in other countries" (emphasis mine)

I don't claim to know the truth or any details at all about their repair procedures in China. But the picture these reports paint, is at least coherent: Apple seem to not offer the same level warranty service as they do in other countries. And pointing out that the warranty is (only) "nearly identical" looks like an implicit admission to that.

Apple does not replace defective units with "completely new" units in other countries either(at least not in the US and Japan), they replace them with refurbished units and not the same unit you got either. How is this an issue? If the refurbished parts run as good as new then it's fine. Otherwise Apple will have to get a lot stricter on their return policies, as it will cost them more. That's pretty basic math there, and I don't know why China expects special treatment.


macrumors 6502
Dec 29, 2011
Irvine, CA, USA
Do the Chinese public buy into this crap? I see something on CNN or any news really, and I don't believe it until I've seen multiple sources, and then I'm still cynical. If the Chinese government was in charge of my news, I'd never believe anything they ever reported. Do the Chinese public actually listen and believe what is said on state run media? I would think state run media would almost be a joke to the general population that it serves.
Old population generally believes it while the young population generally questions it. The Chinese aren't as brainwashed as some people might imagine :D


macrumors 6502
Sep 11, 2009
Cardiff, Wales, UK
Ironically, the 'free trade' west can't seem to wait to offshore everything to a country that follows old school protectionist policies. Anything to access a low-wage economy I guess.

Its just so greedy isn't it. The west could easily pay higher wages to their own people manufacturing products but would rather have the profit. Its strange to me, even those I've only ever experienced capitalism I'm embarrassed by human greed and exploitation is "normal".


Yeah, I for one feel so much better about myself living in a Western country where Commerce rules the media and the Government. :rolleyes:

If it's the same, why you don't go to live in China ?... :rolleyes:


I cannot help finding Macrumors stance a little one-sided here. Or is it just me?

Contrary to others (I, for one, cannot read the linked WSJ article without signing up, and the teaser doesn't really get to the bottom of the issue), Macrumors fail to state the very issue that's been criticized by Chinese media - while at the same time slamming "China" for its recent media coverage about Apple, insinuating some sort of government-orchestrated move to discredit Apple.

1. As CNET reports, it is alleged that Apple repairs iPhones by only swapping defective parts, instead of swapping entire units - which they do in other countries. corroborates this:

"The programme claimed that Apple is breaking Chinese law by not replacing damaged iPhones with a completely new model. It maintained that Apple replaces parts of the iPhone but returns it with the old phone’s back cover"

If this claim is true, if Apple really do repairs rather than full unit swaps, this means that the entire service process takes longer - for the customer. Customers have to wait longer to get their working iPhones back.

2. And, to quote Macrumor's own article here "Apple had previously claimed the warranty it offers in China is nearly identical to that offered in other countries" (emphasis mine)

I don't claim to know the truth or any details at all about their repair procedures in China. But the picture these reports paint, is at least coherent: Apple seem to not offer the same level warranty service as they do in other countries. And pointing out that the warranty is (only) "nearly identical" looks like an implicit admission to that.

You lost all credibility as soon as you quoted CNET ...
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