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macrumors 6502a
Sep 11, 2011
To all those saying that alternative phones are too big...

If you personally like the smaller size, recognize that this is a personal choice.

If you're falling onto arguments such as "hands and pockets...billions of them out there...those large screens don't appear to be compatible" clearly you haven't used a bigger device. Unless you're wearing clothes too tight for you? My pant pockets almost can store a 7" 16:9 tablet. And they're not exceptionally big. Note the tense almost: A small bezel and a 5 inch screen wouldn't have much of a problem.

I don't see why Apple couldn't release two sizes. Or three. They have three laptop sizes. It doesn't cause much fragmentation. They sell more phones than laptops. Why can Apple do one and not another? Fear of annoying developers? Well...when Apple goes under 10% to where it is with laptops, they'll get similar levels of software support. Developers will get up and leave anyway.

Unlike the majority on these boards, I have a sense of humour. I couldn't really care less what phone people use. My preference is Apple but I don't berate people for using Samsung or whatever.

Just getting a bit fed up of people crying themselves to sleep because Apple haven't made a larger screen. No amount of whining on a 3rd party message board is going to fix that.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 26, 2010
Unlike the majority on these boards, I have a sense of humour. I couldn't really care less what phone people use. My preference is Apple but I don't berate people for using Samsung or whatever.

Just getting a bit fed up of people crying themselves to sleep because Apple haven't made a larger screen. No amount of whining on a 3rd party message board is going to fix that.

Apple's lack of a larger screen is probably the single reason Android has so much market share and growth. You might not like larger screens, isn't crying myself to sleep at all. I'll buy a non-Apple phone if I have to (Lumia). But as someone heavily invested for years in the Apple ecosystem, this is highly annoying that Apple is releasing inferior products (if you don't want the size, it is inferior, if you do, it is superior) to protect margins on what is essentially a commoditizing market.

Todd B.

macrumors 6502
May 1, 2013
Apple's lack of a larger screen is probably the single reason Android has so much market share and growth. You might not like larger screens, isn't crying myself to sleep at all. I'll buy a non-Apple phone if I have to (Lumia). But as someone heavily invested for years in the Apple ecosystem, this is highly annoying that Apple is releasing inferior products (if you don't want the size, it is inferior, if you do, it is superior) to protect margins on what is essentially a commoditizing market.

Android has market share because they make cheap phones to people that don't care about Android or iPhone.



macrumors member
Jun 23, 2008
LMAO, so many anti-apple people here. Just laughable. So funny how they are quick to defend Microsoft in regards to the Get a Mac ads. At least those ads were comparative ads. Apple talked about features of the Mac that would benefit a customer. They weren't saying dumb crap like, "Give the customers the Finger". :rolleyes:

This isn't Twilight, we don't have to be team Apple or team or team Microsoft. My iPad and Surface seem to get on just fine in my laptop bag. Even the Blackberry in my pocket plays nice.


macrumors member
Aug 9, 2013
MS stores should start selling Apple products (they really want to be Apple anyway) as well so people will finally get in and check their stuffs.


Nov 25, 2012
United States
This isn't Twilight, we don't have to be team Apple or team or team Microsoft. My iPad and Surface seem to get on just fine in my laptop bag. Even the Blackberry in my pocket plays nice.

And why do you have both an iPad and a Surface? And in terms of "Team Microsoft", I have to say this isn't the place for it. This is still an Apple Enthusiasts site. Just think about how warm of a welcome Apple fans would get visiting a Microsoft Enthusiasts site and celebrating their iPad and iPhone there and posting reasons why an iPad or iPhone is a better choice of product, just think about that.


macrumors P6
Jun 22, 2009
And why do you have both an iPad and a Surface? And in terms of "Team Microsoft", I have to say this isn't the place for it. This is still an Apple Enthusiasts site. Just think about how warm of a welcome Apple fans would get visiting a Microsoft Enthusiasts site and celebrating their iPad and iPhone there and posting reasons why an iPad or iPhone is a better choice of product, just think about that.

You really should stop caring less about what other people use or talk about. No one is stopping you from having your opinion or using what you like. Clearly that doesn't seem to be "enough" for you.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
And why do you have both an iPad and a Surface? And in terms of "Team Microsoft", I have to say this isn't the place for it. This is still an Apple Enthusiasts site. Just think about how warm of a welcome Apple fans would get visiting a Microsoft Enthusiasts site and celebrating their iPad and iPhone there and posting reasons why an iPad or iPhone is a better choice of product, just think about that.

Why does it have to be that way? Why does a Microsoft fan have to feel they are not welcome on an Apple website? When did things become so incredibly sad that like minded technophiles cannot discuss different technology companies and their approaches to devices? People should not feel threatened by discussion of why users believe their device is better for them, it's stimulating discussion in an open forum.

I swear, this has to be one of the saddest things I've ever read on this forum. :(


Apr 10, 2012
What a ridiculous statement. Jobs was the CEO, he did WTF he wanted. It wasn't Apple forcing him on stage and they didn't have the say whether or not he could or could not do keynotes unless he was 100% incapable. Please stop the hating here. You're getting tiresome. ;)

Hating? What a completely moronic statement.

Job as CEO was the face of Apple. As long as he was doing the job he was open to praise or criticism. As long as people are not making fun of his illness than anything else is open season.

Seriously the canonisation of Job by some people is just bonkers. The whole idea of "Apple fans" is bonkers.

I am an Apple customer. I have an iMac, an iPad and an iPhone. I buy stuff from companies based on whether it meets my needs or not. I don't take vicarious offence if someone offends "my team". Some people need to get a life.


Why does it have to be that way? Why does a Microsoft fan have to feel they are not welcome on an Apple website? When did things become so incredibly sad that like minded technophiles cannot discuss different technology companies and their approaches to devices? People should not feel threatened by discussion of why users believe their device is better for them, it's stimulating discussion in an open forum.

I swear, this has to be one of the saddest things I've ever read on this forum. :(

Unfortunately plenty of people hold similar views.


macrumors G3
Jul 22, 2008
And why do you have both an iPad and a Surface? And in terms of "Team Microsoft", I have to say this isn't the place for it. This is still an Apple Enthusiasts site. Just think about how warm of a welcome Apple fans would get visiting a Microsoft Enthusiasts site and celebrating their iPad and iPhone there and posting reasons why an iPad or iPhone is a better choice of product, just think about that.

I have both a Surface and an iPad. And I have good reasons why I ended up with both. Why would any of us need to justify that to you? Or should we ask you why you don't have both?


Nov 25, 2012
United States
I have both a Surface and an iPad. And I have good reasons why I ended up with both. Why would any of us need to justify that to you? Or should we ask you why you don't have both?

Take your arrogance elsewhere. Your response was just as good as not responding and that's what you should've done Mr. Defensive. :rolleyes:


macrumors G3
Jul 22, 2008
Take your arrogance elsewhere. Your response was just as good as not responding and that's what you should've done Mr. Defensive. :rolleyes:

LOL, feathers ruffled? My arrogance is just fine where it is thanks. It's sitting nicely between my iPad and my Surface Pro. :p


macrumors 6502
Feb 22, 2011
Hah. You must be trolling.

Not trolling. As someone that has had first hand in person experience with iphones from the 3gs onwards, the first Android device onwards, and the Windows 7 and 8 devices I can say with confidence that iOS is behind with the times.


macrumors 6502
Jan 25, 2013
Please read this post because I'm not going to argue anymore with anyone that just says someone is wrong without backing up the statement. But while we're in this party, you're quite wrong. Read this. At least myself and this member posted information as opposed to you and the other member who just want to spout out words without information to back it up. Also I love how you bashed my post and not this one. ;) Also it might do you good to quote the correct post from me that makes your reply make sense because it doesn't.

I don't think you know how gratitude works. If MS owed Apple this money, if Apple was entitled to it, what purpose does it serve for Steve Jobs to thank Bill for it publicly? He should have said, "about time" if he was awaiting his dues.

Instead, he thanked Bill. This means Bill did not owe Apple anything. MS did not have to give Apple a dime. No one said this money saved Apple, but it helped and was a vote of confidence in Jobs from his ally Bill.

Those "quotes" from articles are interpretations... not 10K filings. How do opinions qualify as "proof"?


macrumors 6502a
Apr 22, 2012
Apple's lack of a larger screen is probably the single reason Android has so much market share and growth.

SO that's why people get free android phones made out of plastic with 2-year old OS? It's not because most of android users are poor and can't afford an iPhone?


macrumors G3
Jul 22, 2008
What really happened:


BTW, love your location....grew up in Colleyville myself and spent a lot of time in "Useless".


Make fun of the dead guy who was emaciated with cancer. Yeah. Good move, MSFT. What moron ok'd this campaign?

A) I don't believe it was intended to look like an emaciated SJ. I thought it looked like Tim from behind.
B) In what way did they make fun of him? They seemed to be making fun of the product team.

Edit: The Verge seems to agree. Nobody would be so heartless as to depict a sickly Steve Jobs. And if one idiot did, someone somewhere in Microsoft or the agency involved would have the wisdom to stop them. Everyone that thinks they were really trying to depict a sick SJ is just looking for a reason to pick on these videos.
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