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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

BlackBerry Messenger for iOS was today updated to version 2.0, adding a number of features to the app that have long been a part of the native BBM function on BlackBerry's own line of phones.

Version 2 of BBM for iOS now supports direct voice calling between BBM users over Wi-Fi or cellular networks. Channels, another feature new to the update, allow users to communicate in a group setting focused on a specific topic.
BBM Channels lets users chat with other BBM users about topics that interest them. Customers can join channels about a range of topics from products, hobbies and sports to entertainment, fashion, cars and more. Channels can be created by brands, businesses and BBM users alike and are a great way to communicate directly and immediately with people who share common interests in the broader BBM community. By posting to their channel, channel owners immediately reach their subscribers with a message that can spark discussions.
One-click sharing has been added to the app, making it easier for BBM users to share content like photos and voice messages. The app has gained support for Glympse, which allows users to share locations, and Dropbox support for file sharing is also available.

Finally, the app's emoticon repository has been expanded and users now have access to 100 additional emoticons.

BlackBerry Messenger, which was previously restricted to BlackBerry devices, made its way to iOS and Android back in October of 2013 after several delays. BBM offers basic text chats, group chats, voice messaging, image sharing, and with today's update, voice calls and channels.

BBM can be downloaded from the App Store for Free. [Direct Link]

Article Link: BBM for iOS Updated With Voice Calls, Channels, Dropbox Support


macrumors 68000
Mar 5, 2013
If it's anything like BBW, I'm in!

Because how could you text, share images, and make voice calls before this app came along??

It looks like this also has Dropbox support and wifi calling to non-iOS devices, and more focus on collaboration. Whether or not these would perform as well as their disparate or like alternatives...


macrumors 65816
Feb 14, 2013
It's definitely not smooth at all. I reinstalled the app earlier and the animation on add a contact was very slow!

I think he's referring to this: BBM for Android's Google Play page tarnished by hundreds of fake reviews


Can't speak about the app itself (I don't regularly enough people who I know have BlackBerrys), but this video was cringe-worthy.

Everything from the way the guy awkwardly referred to being "from BBM" to the over-the-top hipsters is screaming enterprise-trying-to-appeal-to-youth.


macrumors 6502
Oct 26, 2010
This is awesome, I use it constantly oh wait, thats iMessage

But iMessage only available on iDevices and Mac. This is at least multi-platform. In which world are you living that everybody surrounding you only using iDevices?

And it seems have more features than iMessage anyway.


Aug 29, 2009
BBM was awesome back in the day, but when iMessage came out, it defeated the purpose of BBM. Data text messages. However, iMessage needs to update and add more features, like.... Leaving a group chat....


macrumors G3
May 31, 2007
Florida, USA
I hope VoIP support doesn't mean it'll sit in the background burning battery staying connected to the network like Skype does.

I had to stop using Skype on my phone because of this horrid behavior.


macrumors G3
Aug 24, 2009
Nice to see BlackBerry are still focused on BBM. I think its pretty much my main way of communicating nowadays.


macrumors G3
Aug 24, 2009
I just wish it weren't so ugly. Compared to other apps on iOS, BBM looks like it's stuck in 2006.

Haha I actually wouldn't know since I've never used either the iOS or Android app. I'm probably the only MacRumours user that actually likes to use a BlackBerry.

Pls don't hurt me!


macrumors member
Aug 3, 2011
Haha I actually wouldn't know since I've never used either the iOS or Android app. I'm probably the only MacRumours user that actually likes to use a BlackBerry.

Pls don't hurt me!

Me too! Love my Mac and love my Blackberry (Z10).


macrumors 68040
Feb 6, 2011
This is awesome, I use it constantly oh wait, thats iMessage

Oh wait I cannot send iMessage to Android, Blackberry or Windows Phone.
Oh and I also cannot compress photos sent via iMessage
Oh and I also cannot determine whether my contact has his iMessage turned off or not
Oh and I cannot have conference/group chat with iMessage
Oh and I cannot put status on my iMessage. What a load of crap

Oh wait .. BBM on my iPhone can do all those with one app. And now it has BBM voice meaning it only can be better.

Tl;dr ... Epic fail joke on your side. While blackberry phone would not be my choice, but Bbm is waaay better than imessage


macrumors 68000
Jun 23, 2009
Obviously, these are features present in other apps and on other platforms, but I can appreciate the concept and the direction I think Blackberry and BBM is going. If they can do it right by doing it better than everybody else, maybe just maybe this app and the BBM way can catch on. The social aspect could be huge in the longrun.


Dec 6, 2012
But iMessage only available on iDevices and Mac. This is at least multi-platform. In which world are you living that everybody surrounding you only using iDevices?

And it seems have more features than iMessage anyway.

I use iMessage exclusively, but that is because everyone I communicate with have Apple devices. But even is that was not true, why would you use BBM when there are so many other out there that may actually be around in a year or two? BB is being bought or going out of business. I would not commit to them at this point.


macrumors 68030
Jun 2, 2010
BBM was awesome back in the day, but when iMessage came out, it defeated the purpose of BBM. Data text messages. However, iMessage needs to update and add more features, like.... Leaving a group chat....

+1. The ability to leave group chats is sorely needed in iMessage.

I've got a circle of friends that occasionally -- once every few months -- decides to send a group message to everyone else in our group announcing a big life event. Without fail, for the next hour, my phone is blowing up with people having a group conversation back and forth over iMessage. Once I had 90 messages in the span of about an hour. It's maddening -- especially if I'm trying to get work done on my phone.


macrumors 68000
Mar 5, 2013
Oh wait I cannot send iMessage to Android, Blackberry or Windows Phone.
Oh and I also cannot compress photos sent via iMessage
Oh and I also cannot determine whether my contact has his iMessage turned off or not
Oh and I cannot have conference/group chat with iMessage
Oh and I cannot put status on my iMessage. What a load of crap

Oh wait .. BBM on my iPhone can do all those with one app. And now it has BBM voice meaning it only can be better.

Tl;dr ... Epic fail joke on your side. While blackberry phone would not be my choice, but Bbm is waaay better than imessage

Everything but the last sentence was really painful to read.


macrumors 68040
Feb 6, 2011
Not everyone else, just BlackBerry.

I kid, I kid...

I don't really get your joke but Apple can learn a thing or two about messaging from Blackberry. iMessage is nowhere near as good because it's only an SMS with blue balloons.

BBM was a great ecosystem and I don't even know why would Blackberry give it away, along with the side dishes (BBM Voice, BBM channel, Dropbox support).
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