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Jul 17, 2010
China is smart considering how Apple gave access to all Iphone data to the NSA and also created multiple backdoors for them to spy on innocent Americans.


macrumors 603
Jun 16, 2008
China is smart considering how Apple gave access to all Iphone data to the NSA and also created multiple backdoors for them to spy on innocent Americans.

Oh? They make the phones that give the data to the NSA. They would be just as guilty as the NSA as they provide the hardware to do so.



macrumors 68000
Nov 29, 2009
Not enough spying features for them I suppose.

The idea of iMessage should be downright scary to them, that is extremely popular peer to peer end encryption technology sitting in a bunch of people working extremely long days with little human/workers rights...


macrumors 68040
Jun 13, 2004
This is getting downright paranoid and spiteful. I mean banning beautiful Apple products is a human rights violation.


If you are, I think you over value Apple products.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 12, 2014
Linux it is then. Being that Microsoft, Apple, and Google are all American, it kind of leaves them with few options.

Linux and BSD aren't really "few options". Even excluding custom OSs, there are so many OSs built off of them. This is actually kinda good because it puts a big dent in Windows usage.


Can I ban Chinese IP addresses from my AEBS router? I'd like for Apple to implement that feature. They're already banned from my server, but doing it in the router would be easier. 100% hacking attempts from there, no legitimate traffic. Same goes with Russia and Thailand.


OS X is based upon the Mach kernel. Certain parts from FreeBSD's and NetBSD's implementation of Unix were incorporated in NeXTSTEP, the core of Mac OS X.

Part of OS X is closed-source, so it's a no-go for a few reasons. They don't know what they're getting, they can't modify it as much, and it'll only run on Apple hardware. Windows is almost as bad but will run on anything, making it suitable for the DMV and such… except their computer systems obviously suck because they're always dead whenever I'm there. Or their computers, like many, hate me.
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macrumors 601
Apr 18, 2011
Buy Apple and Foxconn prospers. Looks like China does not want Foxconn to prosper from large government purchases.


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2009
Umm.. Linux was created a Finnish guy living in Portland, OR. He has been since roughly 1999, has two children (possibly more now) with one a natural born citizen. Suffice it to say, you could say that Linux has been an American product for at least 15 years.

But here's the irony of it all. They are wanting to ban Apple Hardware… hardware made in their own country, by a company based in China, using Chinese workers.

Talk about shooting themselves in the foot.


I agree it's ironic, but I doubt very much that Apple's activity in China really affects their economy any further than at the local level (where the factories are). I'm not saying it's not unfortunate, especially for the families involved (it is), but I'd be surprised if it made any real impact on China. (Then again, I'm no economist.)

If you are a government agency I'd say away from Apple and Microsoft. If I were running a bank of any place with sensitive and attractive data I'd do the some thing.

Linux is good but we also have BSD and Solaris.

Any specific reasons? Idk anything about security tbh, I'm just curious.

Funny that of the above Android is based on Linux and IOS on BSD. But both have many layers of stuff on top. For China their best bet is to build a trusted OS from source.

Wait it is? I thought iOS was a stripped-down version of Mac OS X, which is based on Unix. I'm not even sure what BSD is..


macrumors Core
Feb 9, 2008
And when was the last time the Chinese government bought anything from Apple? Every single computer I've seen runs Windows XP.
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