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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 10, 2002
Lisbon, Portugal
Hi everibody!

This is is my first posting in these forums. Hope to be a good journey with all of you at my side. :)

From what I have seen by reading several posts you're excellent, tough sometimes overexcited. Be careful with your egos. But, hell, we macusers are almost all like this : passionate...

The Mac community is amazing!!!:)

But let's go straight to my doubt.
I'll buy in two weeks my first REAL Macintosh (I'm now using an old PowerMac 8200 at 120 Mhz ), wich will be the PM G4 533. Second hand but almost not used and perfect for what I need.
The trouble is that it comes with 128 Mb of Ram and that's short for OS X and anything else. First thing to upgrade will be, of course, memory. 256 or 512 Mb are mandatory. The obstacle is...price. Memory prices are going up and here in Portugal the prices asked in Apple stores go to more or less US$120 for 256 and $200 for 512 Mb.

The other way to go is to buy memory from the wintel stores where the prices are lower, since, as I suppose, there's no difference in specs between both if I buy careffuly. And that's why I need your help to get resolved some doubts:
-the ram used in G4 533 has a specification of 2-2-2. What this means? Is the definition of the Cas Latency of the memory chips?
-Cas Latency 2 (CL2) is the fastest memory, I think. Is this the memory used by Apple on the G4 533?
-since all the 512 Mb chips I see have all a CL3,I think it's preferable to buy two sticks of 256 at CL2, wich will be faster than a single 512 chip. Is it right?
-the chips used by Apple go to 7,5 ns. Of course is mandatory to me to find chips with equal spec. What could happen if I buy a chip at a higher or even lower value?
-makes: don't know if Micron memory is sold here in Portugal but Samsung, Hyundai and several others probably will not be difficult to find. Have you any preferences?
-if I opt to buy directly from the US, do you have any idea of the cost to send to Europe in normal post (kind of US Postal Mail) and some good internet stores that sell internationally Mac memory?

Thank you all!


macrumors god
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Re: Memory help for a newbie to Macrumours forums

Originally posted by think_different
Hi everibody!

This is is my first posting in these forums. Hope to be a good journey with all of you at my side. :)

Welcome... :)

-the ram used in G4 533 has a specification of 2-2-2. What this means? Is the definition of the Cas Latency of the memory chips?
-Cas Latency 2 (CL2) is the fastest memory, I think. Is this the memory used by Apple on the G4 533?
-since all the 512 Mb chips I see have all a CL3,I think it's preferable to buy two sticks of 256 at CL2, wich will be faster than a single 512 chip. Is it right?
-the chips used by Apple go to 7,5 ns. Of course is mandatory to me to find chips with equal spec. What could happen if I buy a chip at a higher or even lower value?
-makes: don't know if Micron memory is sold here in Portugal but Samsung, Hyundai and several others probably will not be difficult to find. Have you any preferences?
-if I opt to buy directly from the US, do you have any idea of the cost to send to Europe in normal post (kind of US Postal Mail) and some good internet stores that sell internationally Mac memory?

Ok... well "2-2-2" means CL2.... and it is the "fastest". Ideally, sure, CL-2 is better than CL-3... the thing is I think Apple ships CL-3 memory in their machines...

As well, the difference is very small. I think someone benched it once and it gave you two extra FPS in Quake. That's 2. Not very significant... and you're right... you can't find 512mb CL2 chips...

I would say, all things being equal... go for the CL2... but the difference is minimal - so if you can find CL3 ram cheaper or easier, then get that.

Now... I would recommend ordering from a company which states they work in the Mac... in general, it's the same memory - but OS X is pretty strict about it's RAM... some people had problems earlier on due to 3rd party RAM.

I've personally had good luck with (OWC)

Not sure if they ship internationally...



macrumors member
Jan 13, 2002
Buy British!

memory prices here in the UK are dirt cheap. I'm looking at an advert in the back of macworld magazine and they're quoting £49 for 512mb - that's about 80 euros. being inside the EU there should be no export problems (ie tax) and the postal costs should me minimal. the company is called macsolutions and they can be contacted on


macrumors 601
Oct 4, 2001
Natick, MA
I use all CL2 memory in all my Mac systems. I have noticed an increase in stability compared to systems with mixed CL2 and CL3 memory.

PC133 CL2 memory is all the same in regards to being for Mac or peecee. If you can get CL2 PC133 memory from a local pc shot (name brand memory is preferred) then get it there.

Check out I believe that they will ship it to you, but contact them to be sure. They have a price for a 512MB PC133 for your G4 533MHz of $139 (US). All of the memory that I have purchased from them has been 100% rock solid. Even when other memory was rejected with the firmware updates, theirs ran no problem.

If you email them, then tell them exactly what you are looking for. I am sure they will do what they can to help you out.

As a side note, they also have iPods at a good price (about $369 US).


macrumors 601
Oct 4, 2001
Natick, MA
Re: Buy British!

Originally posted by shergar
memory prices here in the UK are dirt cheap. I'm looking at an advert in the back of macworld magazine and they're quoting £49 for 512mb - that's about 80 euros. being inside the EU there should be no export problems (ie tax) and the postal costs should me minimal. the company is called macsolutions and they can be contacted on

I'd be very careful about advertised prices in a magazine. They usually go to press about 1 to 3 months before you get them, so the prices are out of date. Memory pricing has been known to change hourly, so always call the vendor before ordering. Or check their web site to confirm the price.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 10, 2002
Lisbon, Portugal
In terms of help, you're the real thing!!!

Thank you.
I couldn't imagine so many posts in a so short time.:)

Arn, thank you for you warm welcome. If Apple recommend the use of 2-2-2 chips, then it uses CL2 memory...or are they using a 128 stick of CL3 Ram?

Shergar, I've checked the site of Macsolutions and of course prices now are higher (and don't forget VAT) : 128Mb at £34.08, 256 at £57.58 and 512 at £116.33 (including VAT). But that's not bad, it's cheaper than in Portugal. I'll check shipping costs later today. And thank you for remembering MacWorld magazine. It was not that far away from me.
About mrmemory I'll give them a chance. I'll see later with more care.

AlphaTech, so if as Arn says, the G4 comes with CL3 memory and I add new CL2 memory...I'm in the road of trouble. And you were right about prices in magazines: sometimes they are more of a calling to surf their web site or to call their phone line.

Again, thank you.:)


macrumors 601
Oct 4, 2001
Natick, MA

I have PC133 322 and 222 memory in my G4 733MHz (pre-quicksilver) at work and it is stable enough for me. I am not pumping tons of video through it and mostly use it for burning cd's, making installers, email, IE 5.1, with occasional PhotoShop and Quark usage. I also occasionally need to use m$ orfice for documents provided by other parts of the company, and other tech's throughout the world (we are a global company).

All in all, if you get high quality memory to go along with what came from Apple (usually 322 spec.) then you should have few memory issues. Personally, I would see if the place you are getting the new memory will take the 322 in trade and provide you with a 222 replacement. Either that, or buy a replacement and sell the 322 to either another Mac user that has 322 installed, or a peecee user that wants more RAM.

I was able to trade the Apple 256MB memory stick in (PC100 at the time) when I got more memory for my G4 500. I have 1.5GB of PC100 (222 spec) RAM inside that system, and have had no memory issues.


macrumors 601
Oct 4, 2001
Natick, MA
On a related note... I swapped out the 322 memory that came with my rev. a TiBook with 222 memory and installed a second 256MB stick as soon as I got the laptop. With both memory sticks being 222 I have not had ANY OS X pageouts, locks, or crashes.

Just something to keep in mind.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 10, 2002
Lisbon, Portugal

I think I'll buy two sticks of 2-2-2, or Cas Latency 2, memory (at 7.5 ns), either from an Apple (but not in Portugal) or from an wintel store, but a name brand.
About that idea of swapping the 128 Mb original stick that's a good point. I'll check dirctly from Apple if it is Cl2 or CL3, and if it is CL3 I'll try to sell it and replace for another CL2 256 Mb stick.
A total of 768 Mb it's more than enough!

But now a question from someone that's still a Mac newbie: does Apple places any information, like Rom, or firmware, on the memory stick that ships with all Mac's?
If that's correct it's not a good move to get rid of original memory! Can I copy that info to another memory stick? How?


macrumors 601
Oct 4, 2001
Natick, MA
There should be a sticker on the memory that has the information on it. It should have PC133 then the 000 numbers (like 222, 322, 333 and such).
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