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macrumors god
Original poster
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
Someone submitted this... I can't verify or anything but thought people would be interested in reading...

I got to use an iPhone tonight. I work as a Wine Director in a prominent restaurant, and a single diner was using an iPhone and sort of trying to hide what it was. Another member of our staff spotted it and clued me in... knowing that I am interested in the phone. The customer works for Apple and was doing real world trials on the phone. I approached the table and asked if I could see it. This person (who I will call "Pat" from now on for sake of gender and anonymity) asked me if I was a journalist or a blogger to which I replied no. Pat then allowed me to play with the iPhone.

When Pat handed the phone to me, I was first amazed at how thin and light it was. It is even thinner and lighter than I imagined. In the Stevenote, Steve mentioned that when he demo'ed it for another Apple exec, he said "You had me at scrolling." Well, Steve, you had me with the sexy, elegant weight and feel. Kudos to Jony Ive.

I flipped the phone over and there was a fairly large white paper sticker on the back with very small type on it with loads of information. It covered about half of the black plastic bottom as well as about halfway up the metal back of the phone. I didn't see any easy way to open the back to replace the battery, so I don't know if it is user replaceable. No, I didn't think of asking. The font on the sticker was extremely small with loads of technical data. I assume it was software builds, serial numbers, etc. kind of like a library card.

I asked how many people had iPhones at this time, and Pat said that there were about 100 in circulation now, but those users were trying to be discreet. He mentioned that Steve Jobs has to personally authorize everyone using the iPhone at this time.

When I started using the iPhone, it was on the main screen with all 12 icons (including the YouTube icon) on the screen. There were no more additional icons on the main screen. I pushed the icon for the iPod on the lower right and the music selections came up. I rotated the phone to landscape and scrolled through the albums in coverflow mode. Very smooth and Very cool, even smoother than the videos that I have seen.

One of the key things I was looking for was how smoothly the animations were. The transitions between screens were fluid and buttery. There were no choppy/jaggy/inconsistent transitions.

I hit the home button and then pushed the YouTube button. The YouTube main screen came up and showed a very nice interface. Similar to the AppleTV. I then went back to the home screen.

I asked Pat if the phone was on WiFi or Edge, and it was using Edge. Pat showed me the there was a lower case "e" indicating Edge usage in an inverse box where the WiFi indicator usually is next to AT&T on the top of the screen. I had never heard of that "e" indicator before.

I pushed the Safari button and finger-text-input my own web site, which I know is pretty slow to load. I made two typo's in the web address window, and asked Pat how to fix the typos. Pat showed me that if I pushed my finger on the web address window and held it down, a virtual round magnifying glass (bigger than the end of my finger) pops up on the screen above your finger with a black vertical cursor in the middle of the glass. As you move your finger left and right, the the magnifying glass and cursor smoothly move showing an exploded view of what is under your finger. Even though the text is small under your finger, it looks much bigger and easier to edit in the magnifying glass. When I moved my finger over the mistyped letter, I hit the backspace (lower right keyboard) and retyped the missed character. VERY COOL! I've never heard any word of this feature before either. Even with Edge, the page loaded noticeably faster than with my Sprint Treo 650.

You had me with the look and feel of it, now you own me with the way edge works on it. I expected much slower with what I have been reading about the iPhone and edge.

Once the page was loaded, Pat showed me how to go to landscape mode and then pinch and squeeze the page, and then double tap the pictures to make the pictures fill the screen. As far as the speed of the transitions, they are very similar to what you see in the TV ads. No editing trickery in those ads based upon my experience.

While I was surfing my web site, someone else was texting Pat. When a text is coming in, the whole screen darkens, and there is a grey/blue transparent window that has the text message in the window. You may accept the text at that timeon one large button or hit another large ignore button to go back to what you were doing previous to the text arriving. I hit the ignore button and the screen smoothly but quickly lightened back to normal. Once again VERY COOL.

Since I had never heard what is behind the Settings button, I pushed it. The screen that comes up next was longer than what can be shown on the screen at one time, so I flicked down to see all of the setting names. Each icon on the main screen has an individual settings "line" on the settings page. Each line is proceeded by a (roughly) quarter-scale icon, like the icon on the main screen. For instance the Photos line has a very small icon with the sunflower to the left of the word "Photos." About one page down, there was a grey horizontal line that was a break between categories. When I touched a setting, all of the settings for that option come up in an elegant grey/blue screen with large buttons to set whatever settings there are in that window. If all of the settings do not fit on the visible page, you may flick/scroll down to see more. Once again... too cool.

Below the grey line break, there were icons that I hadn't seen or heard of before. I didn't press any of them, but one was a red square with an inverse letter in the middle (it might have been an "n" or and "e" but I do not remember. Strangely, one of the icons was the old orange Cingular "X" icon. I thought that this was rather strange that it wasn't the AT&T icon.

I didn't make a call, or take a picture, but the Captain waiting on Pat's table said that she saw Pat take a picture of a Martini in the low light of our restaurant and send it to someone. She said that the pictures looked great... very clear.

I asked if there were any more features that would be announced between now and June 29th and Pat said that "... the feature set is 'pretty much' what has been announced so far..." Read anything into this statement that you want.

I asked about GPS and Pat said that there wasn't GPS on the phone at this point.

No, I didn't think about asking about 3G.

Overall impression of my 5 minute trial... The Apple iPhone is a magical device that for the first time seemlessly blends art, architecture and electronics into a brilliantly designed... I don't know what to call it. Calling it a phone is like defining Natalie Portman as a "Homo Sapien Female Humanoid" There is so much more to it than that.

At any rate, it's going to be a restless 8 days, 16 hours and 20 minutes until I can own my own iPhone, but who's counting.

That is pretty much it... I'll let you know if I think of anything else significant.


macrumors 68020
Aug 27, 2004
'Pat' seemed awfully accommodating considering he's in possession of 1 out of 100 iPhone authorised by Steve Jobs :rolleyes:

Some of the detail does seem to be very precise though, especially the bit about the magnifying glass. I'm not sure but I think it's bull excrement.


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2005
if true, very cool.

i keep going back and forth with this thing. 600 just for the iPhone is a lot of money, plus plans and crap. money certainly could be used for other things.

but then i read stuff like this and say to myself, i'll be there next friday to buy one.

ugh. i just want to finally test it out myself, maybe that will finally persuade me one way.


macrumors 6502
May 27, 2007

Thanks for the heads up.

What is your opinion as to whether the writer actually used the iPhone as claimed?


macrumors 6502
Jun 19, 2007
Vandenberg AFB, CA
Interesting post. I like the info but have to wonder if this isn't just a little viral marketing on apple's part. For someone who only spent 10 minutes with the phone it seems a tad too detailed. Not that I mind the info but it just seems to drip of Marketing Department detail.


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
From today's USA Today


Most people lucky enough to snag an Apple iPhone probably will be quick to show it off to friends.

Not Balsu Thandu. He got an iPhone more than two months ago and has been hiding it from prying eyes ever since.

Thandu is one of about 200 field technicians who have been secretly testing the iPhone and looking for technical glitches for more than 10 weeks and counting. AT&T routinely tests new devices, but the iPhone has been different, Thandu says. The technicians have logged more than 10,000 hours on the phone, including more than 5,000 hours of voice calls and near 5 gigabytes of data usage. Most phones, he says, get about half that much test time.

AT&T's scrutiny is understandable. The iPhone is shaping up to be the must-have cellphone of the year, maybe the decade if it follows in iPod's footsteps. AT&T has exclusive U.S. distribution rights for five years and hopes to use the device to lure new customers.

To win at that, however, the iPhone must live up to its hype. That's where Thandu and his crew come into play. "My job is to make sure the devices we sell meet the high bars we set for them, in terms of technical requirements and test specifications," he says.

Doing dry runs with the world's most anticipated cellphone has been challenging. Tests had to be done in places frequented by wireless users. Under strict orders to keep the phone under wraps, technicians had to hide or disguise the phone when in public, Thandu says.

The disguises took many forms: an iPod "sock" was sometimes slipped over the iPhone. Other times, he says, testers kept the device inside a newspaper or pants pocket and used a wireless headset.

For the actual testing, technicians frequented all the places where consumers go: office buildings, subway platforms, stairwells, elevators, crowded bars, sprawling suburban malls and congested city streets. They also showed up incognito at Apple and AT&T stores.

To test iPhone's durability, Thandu says, they doused it with water, dropped it on concrete and bounced it off sidewalks.

Thandu says he took the iPhone with him on long runs, sweating all over it. "We wanted to test the limits of it."

Techs also did a lot of walking. "Many people don't realize it, but walking gives you the worst channel conditions," Thandu says. Cell signals tend to bounce off buildings, causing interference, and background noise is a constant problem in cities.

Feedback from the field was relayed to Apple, sometimes hourly, Thandu says. Early on, he says, technicians discovered that the iPhone's audio was "not loud or clear enough." Apple designers quickly fixed the problem, he says.

Though "iTesting" will continue on an ongoing basis, Thandu says he is comfortable that the device is good to go. "For the launch, I think we are there."


macrumors god
Original poster
Staff member
Apr 9, 2001
What is your opinion as to whether the writer actually used the iPhone as claimed?

There are a few unusual details that seem like it would be strange to make up. So I guess I would believe it's real.



macrumors member
Jun 15, 2007
yea i mean if you really have that much free time to concoct that detailed a story, your mother didnt love you enough as a child


macrumors 6502
May 27, 2007
There are a few unusual details that seem like it would be strange to make up. So I guess I would believe it's real.


I agree with you. The writer seems to go into details that are hard to just make up.

But I find it strange that a tester would share it with the owner of a restaurant.

Chris Bangle

macrumors 6502a
Apr 3, 2006
Only 8 days away.. the anticipation is immense. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, New imacs. the iphone, ive had enough of waiting but finally one of them is within reach.
Its a shame that us in the UK have to wait till the end of the year.:mad:
I cant wait to see dissasmbly pictures:D


macrumors 6502
Oct 17, 2006
Harlem, NY
When I started using the iPhone, it was on the main screen with all 12 icons (including the YouTube icon) on the screen. There were no more additional icons on the main screen.
I asked if there were any more features that would be announced between now and June 29th and Pat said that "... the feature set is 'pretty much' what has been announced so far..." Read anything into this statement that you want.

Makes you wonder if the field testers were given iPhones without top secret apps on it, just in case passer-bys saw them with it, such as this case.


macrumors member
Jun 20, 2007
What a cool job. Testing the iPhone in public without being seen. This makes me think twice about the guy I saw that I swore had an iPhone about 4 months ago.


macrumors P6
Someone submitted this... I can't verify or anything but thought people would be interested in reading...

I got to use an iPhone tonight. I work as a Wine Director in a prominent restaurant, and a single diner was using an iPhone and sort of trying to hide what it was. Another member of our staff spotted it and clued me in... knowing that I am interested in the phone. The customer works for Apple and was doing real world trials on the phone. I approached the table and asked if I could see it.

Has all the earmarks of a fake.

What kind of high class restaurant bothers their customers like that?

What kind of employee would be stupid enough to let anyone get their hands on their iPhone, knowing it could get them fired?

And I don't buy the "are you a journalist or blogger" question/answer. Typical story preamble to convince the reader.

Total BS.


macrumors 6502
Aug 26, 2004
Moorlough Shore
Sounded very believable too me otherwise why the anonymous submission. Look forward to handling one of these beauties although us Europeans are going to have to wait a while longer :rolleyes:


macrumors regular
Jun 20, 2007
Napa, CA
I agree with you. The writer seems to go into details that are hard to just make up.

But I find it strange that a tester would share it with the owner of a restaurant.

I am the guy that got to use the iPhone. Our owner lives a thousand miles away... I am the Wine Director of the restaurant. In about a week you will see that my story is accurate. The round magnifying glass had a sheen like it was made from plastic or glass with reflections and depth and a clear round bead around the edge... it was certainly different than when the letters on the keyboard expand above your finger when typing. It was much like sliding a finger or thumb sized magnifying glass across the screen. The difference is that it displays what is directly beneath your finger, just above your finger. In the center of the glass was a very thin vertical line/cursor position marker so as you moved your finger over the letters in the address bar, the letters grew until in the middle of the glass and then shrunk back towards the edge. It made it a smoother yet more quick and accurate method of moving the cursor over the letters. When you release your finger from the screen, the cursor stays between the letters where it was when you lifted your finger. The address bar was the only place that I saw the magnifying glass, but it was also the only place that I entered text.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2001
There are a few unusual details that seem like it would be strange to make up. So I guess I would believe it's real.


CSI mode on...

Well if its real then 'Pats' true identity might have already been compromised... Took a picture of a martini in low light and sent it to someone is quite a meaty evidence trail to follow.

CSI mode off...



macrumors regular
Jun 20, 2007
Napa, CA
Interesting post. I like the info but have to wonder if this isn't just a little viral marketing on apple's part. For someone who only spent 10 minutes with the phone it seems a tad too detailed. Not that I mind the info but it just seems to drip of Marketing Department detail.

I do not in any way work for Apple, however in my line of work I learned to be very accurate in wine descriptions. I just used my same level of detail in describing my experience using the iPhone.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 25, 2001
Has all the earmarks of a fake.

What kind of high class restaurant bothers their customers like that?

What kind of employee would be stupid enough to let anyone get their hands on their iPhone, knowing it could get them fired?

And I don't buy the "are you a journalist or blogger" question/answer. Typical story preamble to convince the reader.

Total BS.

After giving it some thought, I gotta agree with you...

Asking some overly pushy not to mention nosy Wine Director (at a prominent restaurant - no less) that he was eating at if was was in fact a Journalist or a 'Blogger' in disguise... Ummm yea okay.

By day a lowly journalist at a Gotham news paper... but at night, he changes into his alter ego... A slightly less lowly Wine Director at a prominent restaurant. :p :rolleyes: :D


I do not in any way work for Apple, however in my line of work I learned to be very accurate in wine descriptions. I just used my same level of detail in describing my experience using the iPhone.

So I guess Arn can change his story from...

This: Someone submitted this...
To This: ----, a prominent restaurant Wine Director submitted this...



macrumors regular
Jun 20, 2007
Napa, CA
CSI mode on...

Well if its real then 'Pats' true identity might have already been compromised... Took a picture of a martini in low light and sent it to someone is quite a meaty evidence trail to follow.

CSI mode off...


The Captain of the table mentioned that the person that Pat was sending the picture to was also testing an iPhone as well.


macrumors regular
Jun 18, 2007
sounds like a lot of marketing... such as the "really fast edge" and the "great picture in low lighting!"... i dont know... doesnt sound right..


macrumors Penryn
Jul 11, 2003
I found this submission to be quite aromatic and extremely floral on the nose, with a flesh, generous palate and an overall lightness and elegance that fits nicely with summertime rumor mongering.
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